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한국어교육에서의 시적 표현의 교수·학습 방안 연구

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
31페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국어문화교육학회 수록지정보 : 한국어문화교육 / 8권 / 1호
저자명 : 손지혜


1. 서론
2. 한국어교육에서 시 텍스트의 활용과 시적 표현
3. 시적 표현의 교수·학습 모형과 실제
4. 결론

한국어 초록

벼리】시 텍스트가 여러 한국어 교재에서 일부 채택되어 학습 제재 로 이용되고 있지만, 시 텍스트를 교수·학습하는 구체적인 방법들에 대 한 연구는 아직 부족한 실정이다. 시 텍스트가 가지는 중요한 특성 중 하나인 시적 표현은 일상적 담화에서도 자주 쓰이는 표현으로 의사소통 능력 함양을 목표로 하는 한국어교육에서 당연히 요구되는 중요한 학습 대상이라 할 수 있다. 외국인 학습자를 대상으로 하는 한국어교육이 국어교육과는 다른 독 자성과 특성을 가진다는 점을 고려하여 새로운 교수·학습 모형이 필요 할 것임을 전제로 하여, 시적 표현의 학습을 토대로 한 시 텍스트에 대 한 학습으로 심화·확대하는 교수·학습 모형을 제시하고자 한다. 제시된 수업모형은 시 텍스트를 학습자에게 바로 제시하여 거부감을 느끼게 하 는 것이 아니라 일상적 담화 텍스트를 먼저 제시함으로 학습자가 쉽게 시 텍스트에 접근하도록 구성하였다.

영어 초록

As the purposes of Korean learners' are various from simple communication to Korean studies at universities, it is necessary to meet the needs for studies on developing educational materials and methods in accordance with the purposes. Teaching literature helps learners to meet the desire for advanced language and enables them to understand the society of target language in depth through literary texts which reflect the society connoting various cultural values. In this aspect, literary works is a useful material for teaching and learning a foreign language. This study is on the premise that the expressions in literature are found in ample daily usage and aims at an effective teaching and learning method focusing on the poetic expressions which are important features of poetic texts out of literary works in Korean language education. Understanding the features of poetry as a genre leads to utilize poetic texts to any extent. Poetic expressions as an important feature of poetic texts are what poets express their own thoughts and emotions indirectly. Those are not the expressions limited to literary works but the expressions often used in daily discourses. Therefore it is wrong to understand poetic expressions as those limited to poetic texts. It is possible to approach the matter of poetic expressions in the aspect that there are various levels of expressions in daily discourses. Poetic expressions is an important educational object to achieve a higher level of communicative competence as a goal in Korean language education. In the class model presented here, daily discourse texts are presented prior tothe poetic texts for the learners to access poetic texts with ease and not to resist learning. This leads learners not only to appreciate poems but also to actively interpret poems. Korean language education lacks concrete educational models for teaching literature or poetry in practice. It is meaningful for this study to present a concrete teaching and learning model for poetic expressions which are important feature of poetic texts. However, it is limited to a theory without verifying it in the real class based on the teaching and learning model for poetic expressions. It is necessary to develop curricula for teaching and learning Korean literature in various points of view, to set systematic and integrated syllabi at each institute, and to select relevant texts.

참고 자료



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한국어교육에서의 시적 표현의 교수·학습 방안 연구
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