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영어권 학습자를 위한 한국어 비음동화 발음교육 연구

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
27페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 6,600원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국어문화교육학회 수록지정보 : 한국어문화교육 / 8권 / 1호
저자명 : 정다솜


1. 서론
2. 한국어와 영어의 자음동화 대조
3. 영어권 학습자의 비음동화 실태와 오류분석
4. 영어권 학습자를 위한 비음동화 교육방안
5. 결론

한국어 초록

벼리】이 연구의 목적은 영어권 학습자의 비음동화 발음 실태를 살 펴보고 오류 분석을 통한 비음동화 발음 교육 방안을 마련하는데 있 다. 비음동화 환경이 포함된 문장을 영어권 학습자에게 제시하고 발 화를 녹음하여 분석하였다. 녹음된 자료를 바탕으로 환경별 비음동화 발음 오류를 분석하였다. 오류 분석 결과를 바탕으로 통합형 한국어 비음동화 교육방안을 마련하였다.

영어 초록

The purpose of this study is to suggest an appropriate teaching plan for nasal assimilation aiming at English-spoken Korean language learners through overtaking analysis on erroneous Korea nasal assimilation pronunciation attempted by those learners from contrastive linguistic perspectives. In the second chapter, I am going to examine both one difference between English and Korea syllable structure and the other difference between assimilations of those two languages in order to find difference between Korea and English nasal assimilation. Through this process, it was possible to predict English-spoken learner’s erroneous pronunciation. In the third chapter, I am going to conduct analysis on erroneous pronunciation through testing English-spoken learners’ Korean nasal assimilation pronunciation. Korean nasal assimilation environment can be largely categorized into three parts: bilabial consonant, alveolar consonant, and soft palatal consonant. Examination paper is constructed varied depending on learning level: beginner and intermediate level. Then analysis is conducted individually on erroneous pronunciation by learning level. The analysis of the result is jointly conducted by author of this study and the other two Korean language teachers with sufficient experience of field teaching. We successfully verified reasons for erroneous Korean nasal assimilation pronunciation varied depending on learning level and different phonological condition. Depending on learning level, erroneous pronunciation frequency is found to be relatively higher for beginner level learners than intermediate levellearners. Meanwhile, depending on phonological condition, erroneous pronunciation frequency for other phonological samples is found to be higher for soft palatal consonant, alveolar consonant, and bilabial consonant in order described. Based on this result of test, I am going to suggest an appropriate teaching plan for Korean nasal assimilation aiming at English-spoken Korean language learners in the fourth chapter. Then, I am also going to define phonological prerequisites for awareness of nasal assimilation pronunciation. Given a finding that frequency is varied depending on phonological condition, I claimed that nasal assimilation should be required to be introduced in order of bilabial consonant, alveolar consonant, soft palatal consonant to those English-spoken Korean language learners. And I suggested an integrated teaching method model for Korean nasal assimilation with five phases categorized. This integrated Korean language class is composed of five applicable learning phases: diagnosing with models, listening to spoken words, understanding principle of nasal assimilation, practicing nasal assimilation, and internalization of law of nasal assimilation. Based on such a teaching method model, I created an integrated teaching plan for Korean nasal assimilation. The integrated teaching plan for Korean nasal assimilation suggested in this study would be expected to be applicable to entire phases of Korean language class in order to improve English-spoken Korean language learners’ pronunciation availability. I investigated whether English-spoken Korean language leaners with beginner and intermediate level proficiency are able to pronounce Korean nasal assimilation in correct manner. In conclusion, further active study is required to be conducted over entire phases of teaching plan for Korean nasal assimilation through expanding scope of investigation into high level English-spoken Korean language learners.

참고 자료



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영어권 학습자를 위한 한국어 비음동화 발음교육 연구
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