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EasyAI “Traditional craft skills” 관련 자료
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"Traditional craft skills" 검색결과 1-20 / 23건

  • lazy taro 에세이< Discuss some of the ways in which Lazy Taro can be read as a commentary on late medieval/warring states Japan.>
    “lazy” because of his widely known laziness. He had a skill/ a magnificent idea on building an ever ... period in JapanLazy taro is a story given of a lazy man called taro hijikasu. He gained the prefix ... strong house but how could he do it with his laziness. He had no assets and land, no place to set a
    리포트 | 2페이지 | 30,000원 | 등록일 2020.11.11
  • 2023 루이비통 코리아 영문 합격 자기소개서
    fascinated by the luxury retail industry, particularly the way that it combines artistry, craftsmanship ... have the skills and knowledge to excel in this industry and make a meaningful contribution to a c ... psychology, sales, and English language skills will help me to communicate effectively with customers and
    자기소개서 | 4페이지 | 5,000원 | 등록일 2023.03.15 | 수정일 2023.04.25
  • 전통공예기술 짜임의 디자인요소 연구
    한국감성과학회 남궁선, 정수경, 이유리, 홍정표, 김태호
    논문 | 10페이지 | 4,000원 | 등록일 2023.04.05
  • IKXX 사 합격 CV, Cover Letter
    am looking to further develop my creative thought, new skills on many levels. I am passionate about ... onfident that I would suit to your company. My skill set and variety of experiences in the design and ... onnection has led me to your company. I possess the skills and experience required to help carry on this
    이력서 | 3페이지 | 1,500원 | 등록일 2022.12.02
  • The Swatch Group Company Analysis
    brands that based on traditional watch making style went bankrupt and master craftsmen scattered ... watch making schools seems to be a valuable resource to me. As I mentioned before, skilled labor is ... effort mentioned above, the Swatch Group neutralizes potential threat of skilled labor loss in watch
    리포트 | 8페이지 | 3,000원 | 등록일 2019.08.11 | 수정일 2024.10.26
  • (주)아로마뜨 나전칠기 함 소개글(한/영)
    에 소개하는 데 주력해 왔습니다. we are very proud of our various traditional Korean arts & crafts which are ... the proud Korean traditional crafts. 나전칠기는 자랑스러운 한국 전통 수공예 제품입니다. In succession to the Korean ... 알려져 있습니다. However, the Korean wares' sophisticated craftsmanship have long been admired and sought
    리포트 | 2페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2016.12.26
  • 2020 명품 브랜드 버버리 (Burberry) PPT 자료(영/한 발표)
    , left side for women)버버리 스카프 (Burberry Scarf) 200 년 역사를 가진 스코틀랜드의 제조공장에서 제작 (Crafted in a 200-year-old ... unique surviving skills for off-line market is critical어중간한 변화는 브랜드 이미지 탈바꿈에 악영향 Lukewarm changes c ... (Burberry trench coat) 버버리 스카프 (Burberry scarf) 브랜드의 변화 (Changes of the Brand) SWOT 분석 (SWOT
    리포트 | 18페이지 | 7,300원 | 등록일 2018.11.23 | 수정일 2021.06.04
  • 구찌의 화려한 부활 <GUCCI> - 한글/영어 발표 PPT
    lost everything she had, she hired an assassin to kill her ex-husband.마르코 비자리 알레산드로 미켈레 (Marco ... 구찌의 화려한 부활 GUCCI’s Phenomenal Revival구찌의 탄생 (Establishment of GUCCI) 구찌의 성장 (GUCCI’s rise) 화려함 , 탐욕 ... , 그리고 살인 (Glamour, greed, and murder) 마르코 비자리 알레산드로 미켈레 구찌의 화려한 부활 (GUCCI’s phenomenal revival) STP
    리포트 | 14페이지 | 6,300원 | 등록일 2018.11.30 | 수정일 2022.06.03
  • Intangible heritage : 무형문화재의 보존과 유지
    universe or the knowledge and skills to produce traditional crafts.Intangible cultural heritage is ... can ‘see’ such as sculptures and paintings. It also can include traditions or living expressions ... inherited from our ancestors and passed on to our descendants, such as oral traditions, performing
    리포트 | 5페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2015.09.15
  • 방송통신대학교, 영연방의사회와문화 요약노트, 11-15주차
    . Artistic skills included a highly-developed wood-carving craft (with stone tools), hand weaving, and the ... word of mouth. Included in the oral tradition is a vast storehouse of myth and legend which ... Ⅲ. Canada9. Multiculturalism and Linguistic DualityC. Linguistic DualityThe longest-standing test
    방송통신대 | 20페이지 | 3,000원 | 등록일 2015.01.20
  • 제주해녀의이해_족보_문제_한글번역_해석족보
    문화유산에 포함되지 않은 것은?Monuments(기념비)traditional craftsmanship(전통공예)rituals(의식)oral traditions(구전)27-3 ... 기 위해 실시한다.Generally speaking, the funado are older, more experienced, and more highly skilled divers ... . Authentic2. traditional,contemporary and living at the same time(전통과 현재가 공존하는)3. community-band4
    리포트 | 6페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2015.06.23
  • They need more pay
    blacksmith and smithy. People just want to get cheap but high quality knife from traditional smithy ... traditional blacksmith should be paid more and why they can’t get more money from customers.Sometimes ... this thinking came into my mind ‘Nowadays people don’t have respect for crafts man.’ They don’t think
    리포트 | 3페이지 | 3,000원 | 등록일 2014.12.14 | 수정일 2014.12.23
  • AcademicConnections3 Unit6 본문 해석
    that of the Morris workshop: to bring craft and art together and to let artists use their skills to ... kill, taste, and labor that go into the best craft work, such as quilts, dishes, and stained glass ... onsidered craft objects to be useful things, such as dishes. blanket, or jewelry, while art (painting and
    시험자료 | 4페이지 | 3,000원 | 등록일 2012.06.22
  • Plastic dishes
    are a wonder in their realistic colors and shapes, and I cannot help admiring the skill of the ... craftsmen who must have tried to copy what nature gives us. Yet their likeness to nature is almost frightening, as with androids. ... aversion to the window displays of restaurant menu items made in plastic. Whenever I see them, I
    리포트 | 3페이지 | 2,000원 | 등록일 2013.06.18 | 수정일 2014.03.14
  • Canadian School and Korean School: What is Similar and What is Different
    teaching and learning.First of all, schools in both countries not only keep the traditional role of ... ourses, study clinics, and the programs that help students improve art skills. However, the way each ... what students need and want into regular subjects. Canadian students can take drama class, wooden craft
    리포트 | 3페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2012.11.20 | 수정일 2014.10.26
  • Death Consciousness in Hamlet
    conversation with his mother after killing Polonius, he says that he is not mad but “mad in craft ... self-revulsion, Hamlet is a mockery or parody of the drama-of-revenge tradition. If we see this play ... viewed through the typical Renaissance theme of reality and appearance, and that the so-called Hamlet
    리포트 | 9페이지 | 3,000원 | 등록일 2011.02.03
  • A Future-Oriented Designer: William Morris 윌리엄 모리스
    expression of labor and pleasure.and when the process is complete, the skilled workman will no longer ... experts, and tended by a multitude of men, women and children, of whom neither skill nor ... intelligenceic sources. Japanese ideas were also incorporated early Arts and Crafts forms. The forms of Arts
    리포트 | 10페이지 | 5,900원 | 등록일 2008.04.21 | 수정일 2017.10.14
  • Home Studio based on modern compositional techniques
    .As a result, abilities to construct ‘Home Studio’ and skills to use music software programmes became ... acronyent. Like any instrument, we can get good musical skills by practicing, trying different things ... is a craft, and the studio is its workbench.What stands between one and the masters is simply
    리포트 | 15페이지 | 2,000원 | 등록일 2009.04.29
  • 혁신기업의 이해 레포트-니치콘
    well as the craft skills, the Emperor left behind a certain independence of mind ? which many other ... andousehold. “When the emperor went to Tokyo, he left the crafts behind,” says Osamu Ryonai, the chief ... parts supplier, says its first innovation was a way of applying yuzen-zome ? a traditional technique for
    리포트 | 6페이지 | 1,500원 | 등록일 2010.01.04
  • [영작기행문]한국민속촌을 다녀와서
    . There are also traditional teas and wines available and guests dine in traditional style - seated ... handmade items such as brassware, bamboo products, mats and silk fans. Other shops feature craftsmen s ... opening your eyes wide. I could improve my English skills during this trip, Also I was able to
    리포트 | 4페이지 | 1,500원 | 등록일 2006.06.11
  • 뮤지컬 마타하리
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