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"Libel Laws in Korea" 검색결과 1-4 / 4건

  • 영어 토론 설득 스피치 <명예훼손 법은 좋다> Libel Laws in Korea are Good
    Libel Laws in Korea are GoodJohnny Depp v. Amber Heard Heard claims “domestic abuse survivor” Depp ... $10 million 2Defamation law -In Korea Libel 3Defamation (명예훼손/名譽毁損) is the communication of a s ... Laws in Korea are Good Increases Awareness Compensates 5 Punishes DefamationDefamation laws in Korea
    리포트 | 16페이지 | 1,500원 | 등록일 2023.07.12
  • [영작] 인터넷 규제
    in Korea. Have you ever heard about the `Raw for Choi Jin-sil`? It is a popular name of the c ... maligning and groundless rumor in cyber space were one of the reasons actress Choi, Jin-sil committed s ... a loan shark in heaven." These days, hostile comments on the internet have become a social issue
    리포트 | 1페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2008.11.16
  • 올바른 정보란 무엇인가
    Natth Korean. Courts have in recent years jailed several journalists under criminal libel laws. Media ... rights groups say that politicians and businessmen use the libel laws to punish journalists for ... 문제와 기자들이 뇌물에 많이 약한 것 때문에 12점.Korea, South LEGAL ENVIRONMENT : 7Status : Free POLITICAL INFLUENCES
    리포트 | 8페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2010.05.07
  • An Endless Discussion about Internet Real Name System
    actress ‘Jinsil Choi’ had been a great issue in Korea. Choi had suffered from rumors and slandering c ... article in web site that is “Policy of Korea”, actually at a poll 63% of the citizens think that the ... on the internet, cyber libel; posting a false writing or things about specific someone’s reputation
    리포트 | 5페이지 | 2,000원 | 등록일 2009.04.27
  • 유니스터디 이벤트
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