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"speaking tasks" 검색결과 221-240 / 534건

판매자 설정표지는 다운로드시 포함되지 않습니다.
  • Competency Based Language Teaching 발표용 PPT
    instruction -outcome-based(a set of outcome that are derived from an analysis of tasks required of s ... are assessed according to how well they can perform on specific learning tasks. Docking(1994)Design ... society A focus on life skills Task- or performance-centered orientation Modularized instruction
    리포트 | 10페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2012.12.27
  • 의사소통중심교수법
    (listening, speaking, reading, writing)을 가르치는 데 열중하고 있다.처음에 성인들의 외국어학습을 향상시키기 위해 영국에서 시작된 의사소통교수법에 대한 ... 다. Angela(1998)는 text-based materials로 만들어진 True Colors라는 책에서 다음과 같이 이야기하고 있다."Since speaking a language ... are tasks that the students do in pairs, in groups, or individually. Your role is to set up these
    리포트 | 6페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2014.02.13
  • 유용한 PPT 탬플릿
    of environment and diagnosis of company-wide management, management tasks will be produced to s ... designPump configuration2 active1 standby (for peak usage of 300)1 redundantPump capacity : 100/pumpPump cost ... SCPxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxlizationMiddleware servicesTransaction supportEnabling servicesUnit of measure* FootnoteSource
    ppt테마 | 25페이지 | 1,500원 | 등록일 2014.09.26
  • 경희대 leaders and leadership 김민전 교수님
    gratiAttractive speaking is very important. Modern society has developed a lot of technology. Modern s ... ociety appears anonymity. So, I should be attractive speaking to inform. I must notify to the other ... people. All the speaking should be well delivered. Ability is important in modern society. In the
    리포트 | 3페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2012.11.04
  • Task-based Language Teaching
    framework of task-based teaching suggested by Willis, along with suggestions for task adaptation and c ... larifications for common myths about task-based teaching. It also presents a sample lesson outline that ... meaning is primary, there is a relationship to the real world, task completion has priority, and where s
    리포트 | 7페이지 | 3,500원 | 등록일 2011.10.30
  • 롯데호텔에 관한 PPT 파일
    and subordinates 2. Inviting foreign trainers to speak at job training workshops - exchange of ideas ... - Relationships : Makes counselling office of private organization. - Simple tasks : Simple task to s ... Special hotel service enterprise of place/tourism in Lotte group system Category of business : s
    리포트 | 19페이지 | 5,000원 | 등록일 2012.12.16
  • #5 영어 배우는것이 좋은거다 그러나 최선인가
    2007Studying the English language in an English-speaking country is the best but not the only way ... to learn language.Do you agree or disagree with this statement?You should write at least 250 words.You should spend about 40 minuteson this task ... IELTS Writing Sample #5Contributed by Rad DaneshWednesday, 18 April 2007Last Updated Monday, 14 May
    리포트 | 1페이지 | 4,000원 | 등록일 2012.01.20 | 수정일 2020.12.01
  • [에세이,영작,스피킹]Ibt1 speaking 2
    Ibt1 speaking 2-23 Integrated Speaking Question 4 – “BALLADS”Question 4- integrated speaking task ... about an academic topic. integrated task format: 1. 45 seconds to read a passage. 2. Listen to part ... question, you have 30 seconds to prepare and 60 seconds to record your answer.Toefl speaking question 4
    리포트 | 4페이지 | 2,000원 | 등록일 2012.04.01
  • 영어 지도안
    orrect answer.Pre-speaking☞ Look and Think? There are two short dialogs. Look and listen carefully.Task ... learn, ‘Let's . Sorry I can't. Sounds good...'Task IPresenting new words☞ Presenting new vocabularies ... IIWhile-speaking☞ Listen and Repeat? First, look and listen carefully.? Let's repeat the dialog
    리포트 | 4페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2011.12.15
  • 웨어러블 디바이스. wearable technology. (영문 리포트)
    martphone. That means that, generally speaking, wearable tech will be smaller than your average phone ... exploding onto the market, with everything from smart glasses(Google glass) to smart watches(Samsung ... galaxy gear) and also Apply watch(Apply). As for smart watches, the technology isn’t exactly new
    리포트 | 5페이지 | 2,000원 | 등록일 2015.04.06 | 수정일 2015.04.13
  • Syllabus
    force learners to use the target language in order to accomplish the given tasks. by doing so, learner ... (assignments), especially in speaking activities ● process- difficult to ensure the coverage of ... in terms of learner-centered, task-based teaching methodology.ㄨ it should be fully appreciated that
    리포트 | 3페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2013.12.12
  • 원서 `The Teacher`s Grammar of English` 의 Chapter 21. Complements 발표요약정리문 입니다.
    started speaking.b. He started to speak. (He changed his mind before actually speaking.)2 ... .(= He remembered he had the task and then did it.)② S + remember + gerund? The remembering occurred ... 정해랑, 이유경The Teacher's Grammar of English(2008, Ron Cowan)Chapter 21. ComplementsComplements
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  • The revolution of English: The advent of the internet slang
    peaking and stressing “delicious”. We also can emphasize by repeating an alphabet of a word, such as ... good, the thing cannot be better but worse if we overdo the thing too much. And we cannot speak in ... The revolution of English:The advent of the internet slangLanguage is surely lively. It has c
    리포트 | 5페이지 | 2,000원 | 등록일 2014.02.23
  • 영문이력서
    ertifications.•Tasks include the negotiation of terms and conditions, analysis of price and creation of s ... , FirefoxLanguages English – Fluent in speaking and writing Korean – Fluent in speaking and writing ... (당신의 영문이름을 이곳에 적으세요)8, Samsungro Euljiro-gil, Jung-gu,Seoul-si South KoreaPhone: 010-0000-0000Email
    이력서 | 2페이지 | 4,000원 | 등록일 2017.06.22
  • Criticism 1 To his coy mistress 2 Young Goodman Brown
    postpone doing whatever task we are facing since our lifetime is limited to, usually, less than a century ... 1. To his coy mistressSummaryIn the poem, the speaker has a crush on a woman, which she has to ... ignore or even refuse due to social norms their society requires. However, he doesn’t give up the woman
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  • 영어교육론 PLLT ch.3 Age and Acquisition 발표자료
    development. A small child listens and speaks and no one would dream of making him read or write. You did ... for the identity a person develops in reference to the language he speaks. - The language ego clings ... Chapter 3 Age and Acquisition1. Dispelling Myths * H.H. Stern summarized some common arguments We
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  • 6학년 영어과 < That`s Too Bad > 창의적 세안 지도안
    .태 도자신감과 흥미를 가지고 여러 활동에 참여할 수 있다.의사소통기능 및언어 규칙의사소통기능1. 전화 받기2. 원인, 결과3. 동정Mrs. Brown speaking.Why ... ? Because he's sick.That's too bad.언어규칙speaking. Why? Because . is too .어 휘aunt, because, earache, hope ... expressionsPractice(Tic-Tac-toe)?? Choose Task Activity(선택 과제 활동)?KT : Take out your self-studyplan worksheet.Make
    리포트 | 8페이지 | 1,500원 | 등록일 2012.02.08
  • Lesson Plan - 6th
    pecific Information- Group speaking task “BBC NEWS” using expressions2Fun with Grammar85- Grammar ... MASTER PLAN▷ Date: Tuesday, May 21st, 2013▷ Time: 7th Period (15:00 ~ 15:45)▷ Instructor: Kim Garam ... ▷ Class: 3-4 (34 students of mixed level)▷ Textbook: Middle School English 3 (Published by Mirae
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  • 취업면접실전 영업직 및 홍보 직 지원사례
    , I intentionally try to listen to others' ideas and opinions. Frankly speaking, I am not a kind of ... person with strong leadership. But I can say that I always complete assigned tasks within the due ... believe. Therefore, I intentionally try to listen to others' ideas and opinions. Frankly speaking, I am
    리포트 | 6페이지 | 1,500원 | 등록일 2013.02.06
  • ing ed 영어 수업지도안 공개수업
    textbook and speak to class what you have remembered.In groups, each one of you memorize the sentences ... form ofbracketed words.Doworksheets.Memorize the sentences and speak to class.Wellordered ... .very mucha lotneutrallittlevery little4 3 12 16 3C. Please check in what skill you are most weak in
    리포트 | 14페이지 | 2,000원 | 등록일 2013.10.31 | 수정일 2013.11.04
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