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[Just So Story]Hermit crab and its Home-소라게에관한 이야기

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
5페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기
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How did the hermit crab learn to use a shell for its home ?
소라게가 어떻게 소라를 집으로 사용하게되었는지에 관한 Just So Story입니다.




Hermit crab and its Home

Genre: Just So Story
Culture: Asia
Reading Level: Elementary
Time: 15minute
Readers: Cuttlefish, Whale, Shark, Starfish, Mackerel, Mudfish, Eel, Turtle, Tadpole, Octopus

Cuttlefish: Do you know how did the hermit crab learn to use a shell for its home and get its unique name?

All: There is a touching story about this and we are going to tell you that interesting story.

Whale: A long time ago, a crab and a turban shell lived in the deep sea, and they become neighborhood after the crab moved to the turban shell`s village.

Shark: At first, they thought that they had very different appearance and different habit, and all the animal in their village had the same idea about their difference.

Starfish: The crab could nip the food which is very faraway because she had strong legs and sharp claws, but the turban shell could not move long way because she had no legs.

Mackerel: That was the crab`s strong point, but she had fatal week point.

Eel: In the deep sea, there were many dangerous creature, but she could not defeat them.

Turtle: When there comes a dangerous fish, the crab had no choice but to run away.

Tadpole: The turban shell was different with the crab in this point.

Octopus: She had a wonderful shell, and it was big and strong.

Cuttlefish: When a dangerous fish come to their village, she needed not run away.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[Just So Story]Hermit crab and its Home-소라게에관한 이야기
  • 디즈니+ 트리거 시사회 이벤트
  • 유니스터디 이벤트
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