닌텐도 경영전략 분석
- 최초 등록일
- 2008.11.25
- 최종 저작일
- 2008.06
- 52페이지/ MS 파워포인트
- 가격 3,000원
경영전략 영어발표에 활용한 PPT작품입니다.
화면의 역동성과 상징성에 있어서 A+ 평가를 받은 작품입니다.
1. Evaluation Current Performance
- History
- Crisis
2. Dream, Vision, Mission
3. Environmental Analysis
5. Key Success Fators
6. Core Competencies
7. Action Plan
As you can see, Nintendo has developed lots of games enabling everybody to enjoy video games regardless of their gender, age, and previous experiences on games.
First of all, we will be talking about history, crisis, paradigm, and core value.
After addressing these subjects,
we are going to talk about the New Strategic Model which we have learned in this class.
In 1889, Nintendo was established by Fusajro Yamauchi. At that early stage, Nintendo made Flower Cards(화투).
This small game machine on the screen, This is the first video game machine.
We are very familiar with Super Mario, This is one of the most well-known game characters in the world that gave Nintendo popularity and recognition.
Famicom is another that contributed to the successful business of Nintendo.
However, the company once had to get through a hard time failing to read the paradigm of those days.
참고 자료
베트남, 인도 경영전략, 소영일 교수, 연세대학교