Danger of crash dieting and Appropriate ways to watch weight
헌혈에 관한 스피치 스크립트입니다.수업중 과제 제출용으로 만들어졌으며 외국인 교수의 첨삭을 받았고
A+ 학점을 받은 레포트입니다. 도움이 되었으면 좋겠습니다.
1. The title of speech2. The specific purpose of speech
3. The central idea of speech
4. The introduction of speech
5. The outline for the body of speech
6. The conclusion of speech
1. The title of speechDanger of crash dieting and appropriate ways to watch weight.
2. The specific purpose of speech
To make people realize how dangerous the crash diet could be and the importance of exercises.
3. The central idea of speech
Due to society’s misconception of ‘regular weight’ the number of people who diet is steeply increasing and most of them go on a crash diet to lose weight. However the crash diet is extremely harmful to our health, so we need to get advice from fitness experts and lose weight by exercising and balanced diet.
4. The introduction of speech
I want to start with a riddle. 1 in 3 male students and 2 in 3 female students in Korea between 11 and 17 years old have done this. Does anyone have any idea what it is? That is a diet. The more shocking statistics is that 8 out of 10 males and 5 out of 10 females think females with normal weight are obese. Aren’t these figures quite shocking?
Society these days revolves around the media which exploits stars until they are stick thin. The stars are idols for the common people of society. This is particularly adolescents who desire to look like their favorite actor or singer. Therefore society’s idea of what is regular weight has diminished to the size of Kylie Minogue’s little black dress and the number of people who diet is steeply increasing and the number of young people under 20 years old is even more sharply escalating. As you all know dieting is not easy and there people resort to crash dieting methods this often causes physical development problems for adolescents.
참고 자료
KOSIS(2008) ‘Am I obese?’ [Online]Available from: http://www.kosis.kr/static/teen/teen02/1457193_1499.jsp
[Accessed 23 October 2008]
Better Health USA (2008)
‘Rating the Atkins Diet: Advantages and Disadvantages’ [Online]
Available from: http://www.betterhealthusa.com/public/250.cfm
[Accessed 23 October 2008]
All-China Women’s Federation (2008)
‘Advantages and Disadvantages of losing weight’ [Online]
Available from: http://www.womenofchina.cn/Lifestyle/Health/203763.jsp
[Accessed 24October 2008]
The star.com (Toronto Star) (2007)
‘Oprah`s diet guru points his finger at parents’ [Online]
Available from: http://www.thestar.com/comment/columnists/article/274883
[Accessed 25 October 2008]