심리학 시간에 쓴 리써치 페이퍼구요. 교정본이구 전 A+ 받았습니다. 품행장애의 원인과 비슷한유형의 질병관계, 증상, 원인, 치료방법, 예방법 그리고 본인 의견..이구요. 외국인 친구 교정, 교수님 교정 두번 받았으니 도움이 되실거예요..홧팅임돠.더블 스페이스로 열두장분량입니다.
심리학 시간에 쓴 리써치 페이퍼구요. 교정본이구 전 A+ 받았습니다. 품행장애의 원인과 비슷한유형의 질병관계, 증상, 원인, 치료방법, 예방법 그리고 본인 의견..이구요. 외국인 친구 교정, 교수님 교정 두번 받았으니 도움이 되실거예요..홧팅임돠.더블 스페이스로 열두장분량입니다.
1. Definition
2. Other Correlated Behavior Disorders
3. Causes
4. Conduct disorder diagnosis in the DSM-IV
5. Associated Features
6. How to Treat
7. Prevention Programs
8. Conclusion
Conduct Disorder (CD) is one of behavior disorders that starts in early childhood to adolescence and affects the basic steps of child development. Children and adolescents with CD usually exhibit such behavior patterns as disturbing others, aggression, age-inappropriate behavioral outbursts in a variety of settings—at home, at school, and in social situations. These behavioral problems tend to cause a significant impairment in their social, academic, and family functioning (Mental Health America). The prevalence of CD is higher among boys than among girls. Studies report that the rate of the disease ranges from 6% to 16% among boys, whereas 2% to 9% among girls in America (Mental Health America). Boys with CD manifest such symptoms as fighting, theft, vandalism, and violation of school rules, while their counterpart present symptoms that include lying, truancy, street, drug abuse, prostitution.
· References
· Causes of Conduct disorder and Juvenile Delinquency, edited by Benjamin Lahey, Terrie moffitt, Avshalom Caspi. TheGiulford Press, 2003.
· Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent, Psychiatry Lippincott, Hagerstown, MD, ETATS-UNIS (1987) (Revue)
· Conduct disorders: The latest assessment and treatment strategies, J.Mark Eddy, compact clinicals, Dean Psych Press, 2006.
· Cited:
· http://www.nmha.org/index.cfm?objectId=CA866DFD-1372-4D20-C8466BA3FFA34264
· http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oppositional_defiant_disorder
· http://www.webmd.com/mental-health/oppositional-defiant-disorder
· http://www.lawlink.nsw.gov.au/lawlink/adb/ll_adb.nsf/pages/adb_et75
· http://www.aafp.org/afp/20010415/1579.html
· http://www.bmj.com/cgi/content/full/334/7595/646?ck=nck
· http://www.fsw.ucalgary.ca/cmhp/graduate_modules/7#cd1
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