Hollinshead`s functional anatomy ot the limbs and back의 Chap. 19. the leg을 그림과 표를 포함하여 정리한 것입니다.
I. General consideration
II. Bones
1. Tibia and Fibula (F.19-1)
2. Bone of the ankle and foot
III. Fascia and Superficial Nerves and Vessels
1. Fascia
2. Nerves
3. Vessels
IV. Muscles
1. Superficial muscles of the calf
2. Deep muscles of the calf
3. Lateral muscles of the leg
4. Anterior muscles of the leg
V. Nerves and Vessels
VI. Movements of the foot
I. General consideration
: movement of ankle
- plantar flexion, dorsiflexion, inversion, eversion, adduction, abduction, supination,
: inversion - accompanied by adduction
: valgus position - pronated or everted foot
II. Bones
1. Tibia and Fibula (F.19-1)
▪ fibula : head, apex of head, shaft (twisted), interosseous border (medial border),
lateral malleolus (distal end)
▪ tibia : medial and lateral condyle, intercondylar eminence, shaft (triangular shape),
tibial tuberosity (at anteromedial surface, for attachment of patellar ligament),
interosseous border (lateral border), medial malleous
: tibia & fibula are united - proximally ; by tibiofibular joint
- throughout most of their length ; by interosseous membrane
: tibiofibular syndesmosis - at distal ends, nonsynovial joint with special ligaments
· Hollinshead`s functional anatomy ot the limbs and back, 8th edition
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