각종 원문작품이 수록된 영국문학 자료목차
Geoffrey Chaucer: The Canterbury TalesEdmund Spenser: The Faerie Queene
Christopher Marlowe: The Passionate Shepherd to His Love
William Shakespeare: sonnet 18
John Donne: A Valediction
William Shakespeare: King Lear, Hamlet,
John Milton: Paradise Lost
Alexander Pope: An Essay on Criticism
William Blake: The Lamb, The Tyger
William Wordsworth: The Daffodils, My Heart Leaps Up
John Keats: Ode to the Grecian Urn
Robert Browning: My Last Duchess
W. B. Yeats: The Lake Isle of Innisfree, Leda and the Swan
Ezra Pound: In a Station of the Metro
T. S. Eliot: The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, The Waste Land
The Theme of the Three CasketSigmund Freud.
The same consideration answers the question how the feature of a choice came into the myth of the three sisters. Here again there has been a wishful reversal. Choice stands in the place of necessity, of destiny. In this way man overcomes death, which he has recognized intellectually. No greater triumph of wishfulfilment is conceivable. A choice is made where in reality there is obedience to a compulsion; and what is chosen is not a figure of terror, but the fairest and most desirable of woman.
On closer inspection we observe, to be sure, that the original myth is not so thoroughly distorted that traces of it do not show through and betray its presence. The free choice between the three sisters is, properly speaking, no free choice, for it must necessarily fall on the third if every kind of evil is not to come about, as it does in King Lear. The fairest and best of women, who has taken the place of the Death-goddess, has kept certain characteristics that border on the uncanny, so that from them we have been able to guess at what lies beneath.
So far we have been following out the myth and its transformation, and it is to be hoped that we have correctly indicated the hidden causes of the transformation. We may now turn our interest to the way in which the dramatist has made use of the theme. We get an impression that reduction of the theme to the original myth is being carried out in his work,