[운영체제] OS 연습문제(Reveiw questions, problems) 6장 7장 풀이
- 최초 등록일
- 2008.06.21
- 최종 저작일
- 2008.05
- 3페이지/ 한컴오피스
- 가격 1,000원
Operating System
운영체제 내부구조 및 설계원리 /WILLIAM STALLINGS/5판/도서출판 그린
이책의 연습문제중 6,7장 풀이입니다
Review Question
6.7 What is the difference among deadlock avoidance, detection, and prevention?
7.5 In a fixed-partitioning scheme, what are the advantages of using unequal-size partitions?
6.10 Consider a system with a total of 150 units of memory, allocated to three processes as shown:
6.18 Figure 6.17 shows another solution to the dining philosophers problem using monitors. Compare to Figure 6.14 and report your conclusions.
7.6 A dynamic partitioning scheme is being used, and the following is the memory configuration at a given point in time
Review Question
6.7 What is the difference among deadlock avoidance, detection, and prevention?
-Deadlock prevention
Design a system so that the possibility of deadlock is excluded
this has indirect method(prevent occurrence of the mutual exclusion, hold and wait, and no preemption) and direct method(prevent the occurrence of a circular wait)
-Deadlock avoidance
Allows the three conditions, but assures that deadlock point is never reached
It is more efficiency than deadlock prevention.
-Deadlock detection
Requested resources are granted to processes whenever possible. Periodically, OS performs detection algorithm
7.5 In a fixed-partitioning scheme, what are the advantages of using unequal-size partitions?
1. It could provide one or two quite large partitions and still have a large number of partitions. The large pratitions can allow the entire loading of large programs.
2. Internal fragmentation is reduced because a small program can be put into a small partition.
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