[리포트]TSP (Team Software Process)에 영문 리포트
- 최초 등록일
- 2008.06.01
- 최종 저작일
- 2008.04
- 3페이지/ MS 워드
- 가격 2,000원
TSP (Team Software Process)가 무엇인지, 그것이 현재 프로그램 개발의 추세와 어떤 관련이 있는지를 밝히고, 팀의 속성에 대해 언급. 영문리포트 자료임.
이 자료로 A0 받음.
Introduction to TSP
What is Team?
Team Software Process (TSP)
- Condition of the Team
- Overview of Process
- Process
- Launch
- Team Leader
- Relaunch
Even a decade ago, many programs were coded by a programmer. However, as the computer technology had developed rapidly, to keep the pace with that, large scale software and complex technique had to be required. Automatically, it was almost impossible to make such a big size program by one person or it took too much time to release the program in advance of other programmers. Therefore, people paid attention to the team-based software production. It was obvious that the processes of making software have the common factors. To reduce the time waste during the making the software, to make the program efficiently and effectively, and to release high quality software, Watts Humphrey developed the process which is called Team Software Process (TSP).
• Introduction to TSP?
TSP stands for Team Software Process. This is literally designed for team-based software development, especially for 3 to 15 persons scale team. It is mainly focused on the quality of software. TSP was developed by Watts Humphrey through several modifications with real testing to software team. At last, by TSP, software team can shorten the developing time and make high quality software because it provides the sequence of developing, how to manage the team, the document formats of important steps, and so on.
참고 자료
Watts S. Humphrey, The Team Software Process, Carnegie Mellon, Nov 2000