• 통큰쿠폰이벤트-통합

Movie Industry of Australia, 호주의 영화산업 (영문)

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2페이지/ MS 워드
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가장 유명한 축제 3가지에 대해 간단히 정리하였습니다.
[호주 문화]호주 영화산업 그리고 축제들 (영문)


Movie Industry of Australia
Beer Can Regatta Festival
Mardi Grass Festival
Melbourne Cup


Movie Industry of Australia

Australia is formed by many different races; natives, England colonials and prisoners, and immigrants. Different cultures of Australia competed each other and they combined as time passed. Now they have formed very unique culture of their own. Their unique culture is well interpreted into their arts.
In our report, we are going to take a brief look at movie industry of Australia.
Australia`s movie started in 1896, `The Story of the Kelly Gang`. It was the first full-length film. Until 1911 Australia was the leading movie industry country. About 150 full length films were made during 1896 to 1928 but after federal government formed `Royal Commission`, few problems aroused. Dictatorship of the Royal Commission and world financial panic were reasons that caused the downfall of movie industry in Australia.
From 1970, Federal government and constitute invested and equipments in movie industry. They played important role resurrecting movie industry again.
In 1981, movie industry was given preferential treatment of tax from government. This period was revival period of Australia`s movie industry. The Crocodile Dundee was a successful movie in Australia and United States. It was the only movie which was so successful in America which was not American movie.
Australia has leading movie technology in nowadays

참고 자료

KBS 수요기획, 2002 참고
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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Movie Industry of Australia, 호주의 영화산업 (영문)
  • 유니스터디 이벤트
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