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Research paper - Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide: Right or Wrong

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13페이지/ MS 워드
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대학교 English composition 에서 쓴 글입니다
안락사 와 의사도움을 빌린 자살에 관한 영문 (논문?) Research paper 입니다
글만 10장에 참고목록 (bibliography)2장입니다
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It has been said that life is a precious gift that is to be received from the Creator with gratitude which should be cherished, preserved, and enhanced in every way possible. However, when the potential for meaningful, joyful, desirable life has been thoroughly exhausted and every effort made to prevent the inevitable, individuals now have the option to legally take back this gift of life. Euthanasia and assisted suicide enable individuals to seek assistance from physicians in hopes of ending their own lives, with complete disregard to nature’s course. The ideas of euthanasia and assisted suicide are highly debated between those who believe that euthanasia and assisted suicide enable individuals to seek assistance from physicians in hopes of ending their own lives, and those who believe that euthanasia and assisted suicide are ethically wrong.
Euthanasia and assisted-suicide has been largely debated in all parts of the globe, including the United States, Netherlands, Belgium, and Australia (Marker). There lies a significant difference between euthanasia and assisted-suicide; but both are tied together with similar ideas, the idea being assistance in ending a life. The method to distinguish euthanasia and assisted suicide is by observing the last act, the act without which death would not occur. If a third party performs the last act that intentionally causes a patient’s death, euthanasia has occurred. If the person who has died has performed the last act, then assisted suicide has occurred (Marker).

참고 자료

"Assisted Suicide Is Immoral." Opposing Viewpoints: Suicide. Tamara L. Roleff. San
Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1998. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Thomson Gale. Metropolitan Community College. 5 Aug. 2007
Emanuel, Ezekiel J. “The Painful Truth About Euthanasia.” Wall Street Journal, January 7,
1997: p. A, 16:4. Pro Quest. Metropolitan Community College. 30 July 2007 <http://proquest.umi.com>.
---. “Physician-Assisted Suicide Would Lead to Abuses.” Assisted Suicide.
Ed. Balkin, Karen F. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2005.
Foley, Kathleen M. and Hendin, Herbert. “Introduction: A Medical, Ethical, Legal, and
Psychosocial Perspective.” The Case against Assisted Suicide: For the Right to End-of life Care. Baltimore Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002.
Hentoff, Nat, “Who will Decide You Should Die?” Human Life Review, Summer/Fall 2006,
Vol.32 Issue ¾, p134-136, 3p. Academic Search Elite. EBSCOhost. Metropolitan Community College. 2 Aug. 2007 <http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=afh&AN=23129844&site=ehost-live>.
Kass, Leon R. “I Will Give No Deadly Drug: Why Doctors Must Not Kill.” The Case against
Assisted Suicide: For the Right to End-of life Care. Ed. Foley, Kathleen M. and Hendin, Herbert. Baltimore Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002.
Marker, Rita L. and Kathi Hamlon. “Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide: Frequently Asked
Questions.” 27 June 2007. International Task Force. 1996.


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Research paper - Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide: Right or Wrong
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