• 통큰쿠폰이벤트-통합

[영어에세이] 주제는 `남북통일이 한국경제에 미치는 영향`입니다. 대학교 1~2학년 수준의 단어들로 구성되었고 Intro Body Conclusion 형식을 철저하게 지킨 자유주제 에세이입니다.

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/ MS 워드
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  • EasyAI 홍보배너


대학생들 영어레포트 몇개 올립니다.


Body-- three effects
conclusion-- opinion


According to the survey, conducted by DAUM, which is one of the famous internet portal sites, 69.1% of young people disagree with reunification with North Korea. There is a fact that they don’t know about reunification. Reunification means not only an ethnic combination but also means an economic development. Since Korea is divided into two parts, South Korea isn’t able to grow financially anymore surrounded by ocean, blocked to the north and guarding against each other. Reunification allows economy of South Korea’s improvement through increased trade with Russia and China, Korean military system’s change and stabilized job market. Reunification with North Korea would bring significant economic benefits that 69.1% of young people can’t see.

Firstly, activated trade with Russia and China would engender productive commerce. Reunification allows even more trade with Russia and China than before, since trade using a land route through North Korea is possible instead of using a sea route, which has disadvantages of trade such as expensive shipping expenses and longer time. As trade gets activated with Russia and China, the price of three countries would be lowered. For instance, if Korea imports pens from both Russia and China, kinds of pens in Korea would be various and more number of pens would be circulated in Korean market. Since Korean consumers’ choice of pens would be widened and scarcity of pens in Korea would be decreased, overall price of pens in Korea would go down. This might happen in Russia and China too.

참고 자료



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[영어에세이] 주제는 `남북통일이 한국경제에 미치는 영향`입니다. 대학교 1~2학년 수준의 단어들로 구성되었고 Intro Body Conclusion 형식을 철저하게 지킨 자유주제 에세이입니다.
  • 유니스터디 이벤트
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