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[영어 영화감상문] 아마데우스 (747단어)

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The 1984 film “Amadeus”, directed by Milos Forman, superficially deals with the life of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. But although its title “Amadeus” is Mozart’s middle name, many viewers regard Antonio Salieri, who is filled with jealousy toward his genius rival, as the real leading role in the film because Salieri represents a champion of mediocrity. In this sense, the film’s main theme is the jealousy that average people tend to have against a genius rather than Mozart’s life. The rumor that Salieri poisoned Mozart is the best subject matter in order to express the theme, and it seems that the director made an appropriate decision to use it to guarantee the film’s entertainment. Its artistic value and entertainment were acknowledged by winning eight Oscar trophies. It is true that “Amadeus” is very gripping and fascinating film, but “Amadeus” distorts the facts about relationship between Mozart and Salieri in order to obtain such traits.
There are many factors which make the film so riveting. Mozart’s sublime music is one of them. His music, used as background music in the film, engrosses viewers throughout the film. Also, the film’s vivid restoration of the lifestyle in eighteenth century Europe provides viewers with amusement

참고 자료

Borowitz, Albert. “Salieri and the Murder of Mozart”, Musical Quaterly, 1973
Mercado, Mario R. the Review of “Mozart: A Cultural Biography”, Notes, 2001
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[영어 영화감상문] 아마데우스 (747단어)
  • 유니스터디 이벤트
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