Marketing strategy <Jinro Japan>
- 최초 등록일
- 2007.12.31
- 최종 저작일
- 2007.11
- 26페이지/ 한컴오피스
- 가격 3,000원
진로 재팬을 일본 소주시장에서 성공으로 이끈 마케팅 전략을 기술하고 더 나아가 새로운 마케팅 전략을 제시하는 논문입니다. 전문이 영어로 표기되어 있습니다.
한글 원본 역시 등록되어 있으니 참고바랍니다.
Ⅰ. The reason for subject
Ⅱ. Introduction of Jinro Japan
-Company Analysis
-Competitors Analysis
-Customer Analysis
Ⅲ. Marketing strategy of Jinro Japan
-STP analysis
-4P MIX-Product <-Price-Promotion-Place>
Ⅳ. New Campaign Propositions for Jinro Japan
Ⅴ. References
1. why are we choose Jinro Japan?
Keyword : `The liqour for common people`- Jinro
To Koreans, the liquor of Jinro means a lot. The Company began its business as `Jincheon Brewery` in 1924. From the period of modernization to 21st Century, Jinro has been a representative company over 80 years in Korea. The company has been holding the top place of the market share from 1968. Moreover, semi-annual report, based on DART(Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System), says that the company`s total asset is about ₩1,350 billion, and the net income is ₩50 billion.
Jinro`s liquor have another conspicuous characteristics that it can be called as `The liquor for common people`. For dull seasons, Korean adults tend to drink soju more than ordinary times. Although there are many reasons for that, the main factors can be found in its long history, price, and distribution system. First of all, Jinro`s Soju has comforted many depressed people in hard time over 80 years. At the same time, it has moderate prices about ₩1,000(retail price). And also, you can find it in a small corner shop, as well as in a large outlet.
참고 자료
○ Literature materials
▶ 환경경영, 21세기 신경영 패러다임 / 이병욱, 황금주, 김남규 (에코리브르)
▶ 한국기업의 글로벌경영사례집2 / 장세진 지음 (박영사)
▶ 국제마케팅 환경과 전략 / 김헌주 (文英社)
▶ 고객지향 마케팅 혁신전략 / 장수용 전략기획컨설팅 팀
○ Research institutions
▶무역동향조사기관 코티스▶대 한 주 류 공 업 협 회▶대 한 주 조 사 협 회
○ Internet materials
▶(주) 진로 홈페이지▶(주) 두산 홈페이지▶통 계 청▶한 국 무 역 협 회▶한 국 경 제 신 문