[경제]미국 경제에 대한 경제학 영문 에세이
- 최초 등록일
- 2007.06.01
- 최종 저작일
- 2007.01
- 9페이지/ MS 워드
- 가격 1,000원
미국 경제에 대한 에세이입니다.
경제 회복에 따른 미국 경제를 분석하고 그에 따른 노동자의 임금, 취업난등의 주제로
쓴 에세이입니다. 부시 정권의 경제 정책 역시 실려있습니다.
경제학적 관점에서 썼구요. 96점의 좋은 점수를 받았습니다.
Economic Recovery, Employment, And wages
Black job loss Dejavu
Missing jobs still Lost
Everything is always changing. Otherwise, there is not a certain and absolute answer. There are so many controversial issues in the world and many people try to find certain answer. I want to deal with employment, wage, economic recovery and problem related to many factors.
Many social problems turned up in the twenty-one century. So, many people have criticized the Bush administration that made many social problems. But someone supports those policies. The biggest problem is unemployment that was arisen over the world. And other social problems also occurred related with unemployment. Many workers, especially African-American, laid off in recession of 2001. Depressed economy has been recovered, but anyone can’t find jobs anywhere else. And profits are soared because of increasing of productivity but wage growth is very slow compare with profit growth. And the Bush administration announced that many jobs are created during recovery period. But there are two surveys to estimate employment. They are Payroll survey and household survey. These ways how to estimate employment have many differences. So, result of two surveys has gap. My major is business administration so I will analyze these social in terms of business administration and economics.
참고 자료
(Job Numbers Show a Strong Economic Recovery by Rea S. Hederman, Jr., James Sherk, and Samuel Hyman)
(Strong Economic Growth Continues by Rea S. Hederman, Jr.)
(Economy Remains Strong: Unemployment Is Low and Workers Are Sharing in Productivity Growth by James Sherk )
(Who is Paid the Minimum Wage and Who Would be Affected by a $1.50 per Hour Increase by D. Mark Wilson)
(The Myth of a Jobless Recovery by Tim Kane, Ph.D.)