교생 실습 보고서 (영문)
- 최초 등록일
- 2007.05.24
- 최종 저작일
- 2007.05
- 6페이지/ 한컴오피스
- 가격 1,500원
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영어 문법은 완벽하구요;;
분량도 8장이나 됩니다 ㅎㅎ
1. my expectations of the teaching practicum and prearations i made before
2. my typical day
3. my teaching experiences
4. some difficulties and how i coped
5. some realizations
6. some resolutions i made
7. what i gained
When I enrolled at this university as majoring in OO Education, I was full of expectation of teaching practicum. Since teaching practice is an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity only for education college students, it was a really valuable experience to me. Moreover, I was supposed to go to the school I graduated from as a German teacher. So, during last March I had to study German hard. However, I was not worried about my proficiency of German speaking or teaching skills at all. I thought because I am also a student learning at the college I couldn’t be so perfect like real teachers. So, I tried to be confident of myself and expected to experience a real school life.
02, April, 2007, I went to OO high school OO at 8 o’clock. One male student teacher was already sitting in a teachers’ room. I and he were guided what we would do during teaching practicum by a chief of school affairs. Against my expectation I was in charge of the second year male class which consists of 30 boy students.
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