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[인문]Folk costumes in Korea

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14페이지/ MS 워드
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Folk music, folk custumes .. 등등에 관한 글들...




Every country has its own unique costume. Scotland has Kilt, Arab has Gibr, Turkey has Kaptan and Japan has Kimono. Fork costumes express the character of a culture. So I am interested in fork costumes.

Of course I love Korean fork costume, Hanbok. Because Hanbok express our soul and tradition of unique Korean culture. Now I will introduce the origins and characteristic of the Hanbok.

Hanbok means traditional cloths that Koreans wear. From old to young, and from the upper to the lower classes, the costumes of Korea have had different colors, shapes, and patterns throughout history. The beauty of the Hanbok includes elegant and tenderly curved lines. The Hanbok for females basically consists of chogori(upper wear) and chima(skirt); and there are also sockchima, a kind of petticoat, and boson, which are like socks. In the case of the Hanbok for males, it consists of a baji (trouser) and a Chogori (Jacket). They often come with Chokki (vest) and Magoja (over-jacket). Turumagi(topcoat) is needed additionally in the case of going outside.

Ordinary Clothes Women`s Hanbok was made to cover as much of the woman`s body as possible. The dexterously curving line along the sleeve gave a touch of elegance and serenity. The baggy skirt, which extended down to the floor led its wearer to take careful steps, producing a dignified look. The women`s basic clothes consist of a Chima (high crimson skirt) and Chogori (a yellow or light soft green Jacket with colorful strings).

Hanbok for males and females have some thing in common. They have a long and narrow cloth-made string called gorum. Korean men and women close their costumes by tying up the gorum instead of using buttons or zippers.

The beauty of the curved line of the Hanbok, the traditional Korean costume, seems to show the Korean national characteristic - a lenient and generous mind.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[인문]Folk costumes in Korea
  • 유니스터디 이벤트
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