[인문]Select Readings Chapter 13 The Art of Genius 해석
Select Readings (Linda Lee Erick Gundersen)Chapter 13 The Art of Genius
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Chapter 13 The Art of Genius13과 천재의 예술
before you read
1. read the definithion of the word genius below. Identify someone whom you consider a genius. why is he or she a genius? Share your reasons with partner.
genius/ n (pl.geniuses) 1. an exceptionally great mental or creative ability: a writer of genius. 2 a person who has such ability: Einstein was a mathematical genius.
2. Read the title of the article on page 146 and then take one minutes to skim it. what do you think the article is about? Share your ideas with a partner.
3. scan the article and circle the names of people mentioned. Who are they? what do they have in common?
4. What do you know about the people mentioned below? With a partner, add any information you can to the chart. then, read the article to fill in more information.
How do geniuses come up with ideas? What links the thinking style that produced Mona Lisa with the one that spawned the theory of relativity? What can we learn from the thinking strategies of the Galileos, Edisons, and Mozarts of history?천재들은 어떻게 생각을 발견하는가? 모나리자를 만들어낸 생각방식과, 상대성 이론을 창조해낸 것과는 어떤 연결이 있는가? 우리는 역사의 갈릴레오, 에디슨, 그리고 모차르트의 생각하는 방법들에서 무엇을 배울 수 있는가?
For years, scholars tried to study genius by analyzing statistics. In 1904, Havelock Ellis noted that most geniuses were fathered by men older than 30, had mothers younger than 25, and usually were sickly children. Other researchers reported that many were celibate(Descartes), fatherless (Dickens), or motherless (Darwin). In the end, the data illuminated nothing
수년간, 인문학자들은 분석 통계의 방법으로 천재성에 대해 연구하려고 노력했다. 1904년에, 하블록 엘리스는 대무문의 천재들은 30살 이상의 아버지와, 25살 이하의 어머니, 그리고 대개는 병약한 어린시절을 가졌다고 기록했다. 다른 연구자들은 대부분들이 독신이거나(데카르트), 아빠가 없거나(딕큰스), 엄마가 없다고(다윈) 보고했다. 결국 그 정보들은 아무것도 보여주지 않았다.
Academics also tried to measure the links between intelligence and genius. But they found that run-of-the-mill physicists had IQs much higher than Nobel Prize winner and