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경영 하버드케이스 Honeywell Corporate MOD4 Team

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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경영 조직행동론, 하버드 케이스 하니웰회사 MOD4 Product Development Team에 대한 보고서입니다


1. Honeywell Corporate
1-1 Introduction
1-2 Mod IV product development team
1-3 Mod IV
2. External and Internal Environment Analysis for Honeywell Building Controls Division and SWOT
2-1 External Environment
2-2 Internal Environment
2-3 SWOT analysis
3. Organization Structure
3-1 Two extreme model of organizational structure design
3-2 Determinants of organization’s structure
4. MOD IV Team
4-1 The current status of MOD4 Team
4-2 The situation of Mod4 Team
4-3 Applying Five-Stage group development model to Mod4 team to analyze the current status.
4-4 Problems and issues on MOD4 Team
4-5 Solutions for the problems
5. Leadership
5-1 Conditions for application
5-2 Application
5-3 Relationship between Linda/Members
5-4 Relationship among team members
5-5 Detail Analysis of two representative leaders
6. Conclusion
6-1 Specific solutions for the leaders of MOD IV Team
6-2 General solution


Controls were Honeywell`s original business. After losing money in 1981, Honeywell Residential and Building controls division was separated into Building Controls and Residential Controls. Honeywell building controls division produced climate controls and systems for four market areas of HVAC, burners and boilers, lighting, and water products. there were 1240 employees and sales more than $150 million in 1988. On April 1989, Honeywell Building Controls Division planned to introduce their new product Mod IV 4 months later.
However, the product development team was still fighting to stay on schedule. Actually, when Honeywell started to develop Mod IV, they changed their system to recover their competitive edge. They created the building controls division which could integrate engineering, manufacturing, and marketing so, they abandoned existing sequential development and adopted so-called `parallel development`. Even though the changes brought many advantages in revenue and efficiency, there were still problems. We study this case linking with the class and find problems in this case related to teams, organization structure and leadership. We also propose our recommendation by applying several theories to the problems.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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경영 하버드케이스 Honeywell Corporate MOD4 Team
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