Gender issues in employment and management
직장에서의 남녀 차별에 대한 시각 및 여성들의 남녀 차별 제도를 극복하기 위한 노력, 그리고 이것을 타파하기 위한 고용주와 정부의 노력을 담은 레포트 입니다.영국 대학원 레포트로 작성하였기 때문에 외국서적을 참고문헌으로 이용한 영어로 작성한 레포트 입니다. 우리나라의 남녀 차별과는 조금은 다른 시각으로 작성하였습니다.
수준 높은 레포트라 자부합니다.
The terminology of ‘the glass ceiling’ defines a variety of barriers that prevent qualified individuals from advancing higher in their organization (Adair, 1999) and the phrase glass ceiling is used most often in regards to women in the workforce (Bryant, 2004). Although it is true that many women have finally become managers after fifty years in the job market (Driscoll & Goldberg, 1993), few have made it to the very top (Adair, 1999) in recent years.In this paper, the author would like to examine the gender issues in employment and management and analyze equal opportunities policies and strategies for managing diversity and work life balance. First of all, the author would like to examine the issues relating to women at work in terms of vertical and horizontal gender segregation, and investigate theory to understand why and how subordination of women exists in the workplace. Secondly, how individual women have progressed in organizations and how they have broken through the gloss ceiling will be looked. At this stage, some successful women managers and entrepreneurs will be introduced. Finally, the policies and strategies that governments and employers can adopt to address workplace discrimination including equal opportunities policies, diversity management and strategies for work life balance will be discussed and analyzed.
참고 자료
Ackerman, E. (1999). Silicon Valley girl. U.S. News & World Report. p. 44Adair, C. K. (1999). Cracking the glass ceiling: Factors influencing women`s attainment of senior executive positions. USA:
Adler, N. (2000) An international perspective on the barriers to the advancement of women managers. Applied Psychology: An international Review, 42.
Bahay Kubo Research (2003) Breaking Through the Glass Ceiling: An Interview with Dr. Naomi G. Tangonan. Bahay Kubo Research.
Bird, J. (2006) Work Life Balance doing it right and avoiding the pitfalls. The leader in dual purpose learning.