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[영작]인문학 위기론,외환은행 주가 조작 의혹,달라진 결혼관

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1,인문학 위기론
Save the humanities, deans plead

2.외환은행 주가 조작 의혹
Lone Star faces questions about KEB card unit

3.달라진 결혼관
Survey: Singles see marriage as an investment
이것들에 대해서 영어로 나의 생각과 의견을 풀어쓴 글입니다
영작을 원하는 학생들에게 많은 도움이 될 것입니다


1,인문학 위기론
Save the humanities, deans plead

2.외환은행 주가 조작 의혹
Lone Star faces questions about KEB card unit

3.달라진 결혼관
Survey: Singles see marriage as an investment


1,인문학 위기론
Save the humanities, deans plead
September 26, 2006
Deans of humanities departments at about 80 colleges nationwide approved and released a statement yesterday urging the government and universities to support the study of humanities, struggling due to decreased popularity among students.
In the statement, the group said, "Today`s world only emphasizes competition and efficiency and has been losing respect for the dignity of human beings and morals . . . The crisis in humanities studies can destroy the dignity of human beings and the integrity of life."
The group asked for the establishment of a fund and a committee to promote the study of humanities.
Yoon Pyeong-hyeon, dean of the department of humanities at Chonnam National University, plans to read the statement at the opening ceremony of "a week of humanities studies" to be held starting today at Ewha Womans University in Seoul. On Sept. 15, 121 professors teaching humanities at Korea University announced a statement saying society and scholars urgently needed to work to improve the situation.
In 2001, departments of humanities at national and public colleges nationwide made a similar statement. The number of students studying humanities has been gradually shrinking.

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[영작]인문학 위기론,외환은행 주가 조작 의혹,달라진 결혼관
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