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[벤처]벤처 생태계는 만들어질 수 있는가?

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최종 저작일
5페이지/ MS 워드
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  • EasyAI 홍보배너


원제: Venture Ecosystem, Can it be fostered?
영문으로된 법, 기술, 정책을 다루는 essay이다.
우리나라 벤처기업이 당면하고 있는문제들, 지적재산권을 둘러싼 혁신과 경쟁에 대한 이슈들, 벤처캐피털의 투자 시스템과 한국 문화에 대한 고찰을 다룬다.


-The problems that the Korean venture firms face
-Innovation vs. Competition
-The System and the Culture


The problems that the Korean venture firms face
There are key elements— people, idea, and cash—to run a venture business. This idea element might be a prototype of high technology. While the Korean venture ecosystem lack legal measures to hold these elements together, the Silicon Valley possess a developed legal system to hold these elements together by tying down strategies like vesting, restricted common stock, intellectual property, confidentiality agreement, etc. In a more macroscopic view on the matter, previous studies on Korean venture ecosystem show that the venture firms lack fund procurement, human resources, and cooperation between the academies, industries, and research institutes. These problems will be elaborated hopefully being able to go deep down to the roots of the problem.

First, the venture firms in Korea are in dire needs for external capital sources. The financial support mainly comes from the government which comes from the taxes paid by the industries. Not only did the Korean venture capital market start as the form of a loan market but also getting into KOSDAQ gives not enough liquidity and government funded nature drives away investors because of the impression of being non-market-driven. To make the matters worse, bribery and entertainment permeates the selection process of who gets the government money which hinders the potentially successful firms from getting on their high way to substantial support and eventually success.

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  [벤처]벤처 생태계는 만들어질 수 있는가?
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