해설: long long time ago, there was an ugly man who loves princess piona so much.
his name was shrek.
슈렉: open the door. come on pumpkin!!!
who is it? oh my god~ what a lousy guy.
what the hell are u doing here?
i`ve told u so many times..
u make me disgusted. u are such a wet noodle!
get out of here right away.
u know? u are a pain in the neck.
so dont be annoying.
what a lousy men! what a butt ugly.
I don`t care if u like me or not. because l like myself except for my face.
why do I have an ugly face? I am out of luck. shit!
these days i`ve been saving money to get plastic surgery.
I wanna transform myself in a conspicuous way.
so, it`s time to work part time.
해설: so shrek took a train to work. he met someone by chance who would change the life of shrek.
거지 : When I was young my parents passed away. I have to bring home the bacon, also I have to take care of my little brothers and sisters..........
행인: where is this stinky smell coming from? oh. damn it! get out of here. I am broke.
거지:I haven`t got even a small coin........
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