[생산관리, 여성생산성 향상,여성취업 개선,] Woman Employment Protection Policy for Production Improvement
Abstract1 The present state and the types of the female labor force
1)More and more females receive high education
2)Some Law about the Female Employment has established
3)The Korea female employee’s age is presented as the M shaped.
4)The working types of the female employee.
5)Now days female employee’s efficient using in the industry
2, The forecasting of the future labor force’s demand
3, The present state of all kinds of protection policy operations
1) The premises of the governmental labor policy : the division of labor based on gender and labor market flexibility
2) Increasing casualization of women workers
3) The problems of part-time work
4) Insufficient vocational training opportunity for women
5) Strengthening administrative guidance for equal employment
6) Realization of equal pay for equal work
7) Socialization of maternity protection and childcare
8) Strengthening the measures to prevent occupational diseases (addiction to toxic materials, sinews and bones diseases, and overwork death syndrome)
9) Prohibition of sexual violence at workplace and preventive measures
4, The improvement policy of the female labor force
As the female educated level’s higher, housework’s decrease, and the lifetime’s increase after nursing time, the female labor force market has begun to increase since 1970s. And now, women have reached their highest labor force participation rates, and moreover, will work more continually throughout their lifecycle. With the third industry’s development, more and more female employees are needed in the future. Now, the law and the system about the female employment have been accomplished in some degree. Equal employment policy, motherhood protection policy have been the basis policy in the female employment.Just as the improving of the economic, the female employment’s improving has been the request and trend of the history. Improving the female employment is more and more connecting with the improving of the productivity. Protecting and improving the female employment have been one of the request of the history and economic too.
참고 자료
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3, [여성의 취업실태조사], 연구자: 김태홍, 김영옥, 양승주,문유경, 97 연구보고서 220-19
4, [여성관련 사회통계 및 지표], 연구자: 노미혜, 김영옥, 문유경, 94 연구보고서 200-4
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6, [Korea Shadow Report], Korea women’s association united, 1998
7, [직장보육시설], 고려대학교 경영학과