[반도체공정] EUV Lithography Term paper (영문작성)
"[반도체공정] EUV Lithography Term paper (영문작성)"에 대한 내용입니다.목차
1. Introduction2. Necessity of EUV Lithography
3. Characteristics of EUV Lithography
4. Technology for EUV Lithography
5. Contamination Management
6. Conclusion
In February 2018, ground-breaking ceremony for EUV line was held at Samsung Electronics’ campus in Hwaseong, which is under construction as illustrated in Figure 1. EUV line is the newest technology which makes state-of-the-art semiconductors for mobile devices. The initial cost for the line is expected to be 6 billion dollars before when it is operated. Using EUV line, Samsung Electronics is looking forward to being a leader in nanometer semiconductor era.Recently, Samsung Electronics announced that it has just succeeded in developing a 5nm foundry process based on EUV technology. The company is now also doing mass-production by 6nm and 7nm foundry process. Early in 2019, Samsung Electronics have accelerated mass-production for 7nm products based on EUV, and it is the first time in the industry.
This way, the term ‘EUV’ is frequently used in articles about next generation semiconductor processes. Then this paper will introduce what it is and how it play a role in semiconductor chip production.
참고 자료
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