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해외대학 A+ 과제 영문리포트/리포트양식 - Analysis on Lehman Brothers Case

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리먼브라더스 사태 관련 분석 리포트 (A+ 과제)
Analysis on Leham Brothers Case


1. Company Information
2. Financial Fraud
3. Auditor’s Role and Audit Procedures
4. Reference


1. Company Information
The company conducted financial fraud that will be discussed in this project is Lehman Brothers Holding Inc. In the following paragraphs, we will briefly summarise the company size, industry, products and management team of the company.

1.1 Company’s size
Lehman Brothers was established in 1850 by Henry Lehman, Emanuel Lehman and Mayer Lehman. By the time of establishment, Lehman Brothers was only a small normal general store that mainly traded cotton. They joined the New York Stock Exchange in 1887 and underwritten their initial public offering in 1899. In 1970, they started their business in Asia and kept growing their business over the world, such as Japan, Hong Kong and Australia, etc. At the year of bankruptcy 2008, they were selected by Fortune Magazine as one of the Fortune 500 companies and the fourth largest investment bank in US, their employer all over the world was estimated to be 26,200.

참고 자료

Ahmed, Arif. “Lehman Brothers - Analysis of Failure.” Academia.edu - Share Research, Aug. 2011, www.academia.edu/7514714/Lehman_Brothers_-_Analysis_of_Failure.
Bavoso, V. (2014). Explaining Financial Scandals: Corporate Governance, Structured Finance and the Enlightened Sovereign Control Paradigm.
Chadha P (2016) What Caused the Failure of Lehman Brothers? Could it have been Prevented? How? Recommendations for Going Forward. Int J Account Res S1:002. doi:10.4172/2472-114X.S1-002
Daniel, C (2010). Lehman Cooked Books before Collapse, Report Finds.
Greenfield, H (2009). Culture Crash. Conference Board Review, 19465432, 46, 5.
Peter Lattman (2010). Cuomo Sues Ernst & Young Over Lehman
Michael Rapoport (2013).Ernst & Young Agrees to Pay $99 Million in Lehman Settlement https://www.wsj.com/articles/ernst-amp-young-agrees-to-pay-99-million-in-lehman-settlement-1382126205
Karen Freifield (2015). Ernst & Young settles with N.Y. for $10 million over Lehman auditing. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-ernst-lehman-bros/ernst-young-settles-with-n-y-for-10-million-over-lehman-auditing-idUSKBN0N61SM20150415
Lehman Brothers (2001) Board of Directors Biographies
Lehman Brothers (2017) A brief history
Lehman Brothers Collection, Introduction
Leia Klingel (2018), Lehman Brothers executives – where are they now?
Lioudis, N.K. (2018). The collapse of Lehman Brothers: A case study.
McDonough-Taub, G. (2009). www.cnbc.com/id/32013423/Lehman_Brothers_A_Collosal Failure.
Securities and futures commission, (2008), Report to financial secretary
Sharp, Adam. “Lehman Brothers' 'Repo 105' Accounting Scandal.” Wealth Daily, Wealth Daily, 15 Mar. 2010, www.wealthdaily.com/articles/lehman-brothers-enron-accounting-gimmicks/2375.
Story, L. and Dash, E. (2010). New York Times. Lehman Channeled Risks Through ‘Alter Ego’ Firm.
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해외대학 A+ 과제 영문리포트/리포트양식 - Analysis on Lehman Brothers Case
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