[전기전자] 센서의 종류및 특성3
- 최초 등록일
- 2004.10.06
- 최종 저작일
- 2004.10
- 11페이지/ 한컴오피스
- 가격 1,000원
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자료의 용량이 너무커서 센서의 종류및 특성을 3개의 파일로 나누어서 올립니다.
목차를 꼭 확인 해주고 찾는 센서가 없을때는 센서의 종류및 특성 1또는 2을 다운 받으세요^^;
3. 6. Sensors with Optical Waveguides
3. 6. 1 Optrode
3. 6. 2 Core-based sensor
3. 6. 3 Cladding - based sensor
3. 6 4/5 Interferometers
3. 6. 4 Mach-Zehnder interferometer
3. 6. 5 reflection-type interferometer
3. 6. 6 Surface plasmon resonance device
3. 6. 1Optrode
An optrode(or optode) consists of two(maybe one or more than two) fibers for the input and output light. The operation is based on spetral change of the output light caused by different physical and chemical effects at the tip of the sensor:
Colorimetric detection is based on the color changes of indicators entrapped in the material at the sensor tip. Practically the reflected light spectra are to be measured. A special case of that method is the simple. reflectance/absorbance measurement using a using a monochromatic light source or a special wavelength region. Sometimes the spectral change is caused directly by the color chage of the analyte of interest.
Fluorimetric detection is based on the phenomenon of fluorescence quenching. The absorbed incident light excites a secondary light wave, the spectrum of which differs from that of the incident light spectrum. The intensity of the emitted light may vary according to environmental changes.
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