CHAPTER ac 9. Parallel sinusoidal circuits
1. Experimental purpose
2. Experimental theory
3. Experimental equipment
4. Experimental process and expected results
CHAPTER ac 10. Series-parallel sinusoidal circuits
1. Experimental purpose
2. Experimental theory
3. Experimental equipment
4. Experimental process and expected results
1. Experimental purpose
1) Confirm Kirchhoff's current law when applying AC power to R-L, R-C, and R-L-C circuits connected in parallel.
2) The voltage applied to each element and the current flowing through the circuit are measured, and a phase difference is calculated.
2. Experimental theory
1) Impedance
Impedance indicates the degree to which the propagation of a wave in a medium or the flow of electricity in a wire or circuit is disturbed. Impedance is a unique property of the medium.
The relationship between impedance and resistance , and capacitive reactance and inductive reactance is shown in Equation .
When the angular frequency of the alternating current is , the self-inductance of the coil is , and the capacitance of the capacitor is , it is . And .
2) Inductor
Each inductor connected in parallel has the same voltage as the other inductors.
The current passing through the inductor connected in series may be the same, but the voltage of each inductor may be different. The sum of the potential differences equals the total voltage.
· “Impedance”, Naver Knowledge Encyclopedia, 22022.04.18. access,
· “Inductor”, wikipedia, 2022.04.18. access,
· “capacitor”, Naver Knowledge Encyclopedia, 2022년 04월 02일 access,
· Robert L. Boylestad and Gabriel Kousourou, 『Laboratory to Manual to Accompany Introductory Circuit Analysis Twelfth edition』,
· Pearson, p.356~381
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