아주대학교 기초전기실험 A+ 예비보고서 Ch. 2, 3 (AC) 영문
- 최초 등록일
- 2023.03.09
- 최종 저작일
- 2022.04
- 9페이지/ 한컴오피스
- 가격 2,000원
"아주대학교 기초전기실험 A+ 예비보고서 Ch. 2, 3 (AC) 영문"에 대한 내용입니다.
CHAPTER ac 2. The Oscilloscope
1. Experimental purpose
2. Experimental theory
3. Experimental equipment
4. Experimental process and expected results
CHAPTER ac 3. The Oscilloscope
1. Experimental purpose
2. Experimental theory
3. Experimental equipment
4. Experimental process and expected results
1. Experimental purpose
1) Familiarize with the overall use of the oscilloscope.
2) Can adjust the scale of the result screen.
3) Can measure Sine waves.
2. Experimental theory
1) Oscilloscope
3. Experimental equipment
1) Experimental apparatus : DMM(Digital Multimeter), Power Supply, Oscilloscope
4. Experimental process and expected results
-Part 3. Sinusoidal Waveforms-Magnitude
1) Connect the output of the generator directly to one channel of the scope as shown in Fig. 2.5
2) Set the output frequency of the generator to 500Hz using the dial and appropriate multiplier. Turn the amplitude knob all the way to the left for minimum output.
3) Set the vertical sensitivity of the scope to . and the horizontal sensitivity to . and turn on both the scope and the generator.
4) Adjust the amplitude control of the generator until the signal has a peak-to-peak swing. The resulting waveform has the following mathematical formulation:
참고 자료
“Using the Oscilloscope”, kocoafab, 2022.04.18. access, https://www.kocoafab.cc/tutorial/view/515
“Impedance”, Naver Knowledge Encyclopedia, 22022.04.18. access,
“Inductor”, wikipedia, 2022.04.18. access, https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indutor
“capacitor”, Naver Knowledge Encyclopedia, 2022년 04월 02일 access,
Robert L. Boylestad and Gabriel Kousourou, 『Laboratory to Manual to Accompany Introductory Circuit Analysis Twelfth edition』,
Pearson, p.260~283