관광상품 개발 - 지속가능한 Waste museum (A+받은 영문 PPT/PDF형식)
- 최초 등록일
- 2023.03.06
- 최종 저작일
- 2020.10
- 28페이지/ 압축파일
- 가격 3,500원
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해당 자료는 영문으로 작성된 관광상품 제안 PPT입니다. (PDF형식/수정불가/참고가능)
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(대본 자료의 넘버링은 ppt 페이지 기준으로 나눈 것입니다)
1. What is the waste museum?
2. How to promote the museum?
3. Outlook of the museum
1. Hi, everyone. What I’m going to talk about today is the unique museum. I will introduce and promote the Waste museum to you guys. I hope you get interested in this museum while listening to my presentation.
2. I will divide my presentation into 3 parts. First, I will explain what kind of museum it is, secondly, how it will be promoted, and lastly, I will talk about the future and outlook of the museum.
3. First, I will discuss what is the waste museum? Simply, It can be said, the museum where garbage becomes art, a museum that considers the environmental aspects, sustainable museum without environmental pollution.
4. If you look at the slides, you can see how the museum is operating. This museum will display marine waste. People can see and learn about the process of garbage disposal, and they can also be alert to environmental protection. As a result, it can contribute to environmental protection by making masterpieces out of overflowing garbage.
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