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임상심리학 분야의 전통과 현대(2010~) 데이터 분석 방법 비교

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"임상심리학 분야의 전통과 현대(2010~) 데이터 분석 방법 비교"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Introduction
2. Data Analysis Method Comparison: Treatment of Social Phobia (Social Anxiety)


Social anxiety or social phobia is a fatal symptom for humans who have to live in society. People with social phobia, like those with other phobia, tend to avoid fear-giving objects, that is, social situations. In addition, they tend to fail to think normally due to their experiences of social failure in the past or vague anxiety about the future. Therefore, exposure therapy or cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) that exposes people with social phobia to social situations is often used. Focusing on the theme of treatment of social phobia, we will examine how the data analysis method has changed.
Data Analysis Method Comparison: Treatment of Social Phobia (Social Anxiety)
One paper examined the efficacy of self-administered cognitive therapy in 1983.

참고 자료

Steward R. Schelver and Kenneth U. Gutsch. “The effects of self-administered cognitive therapy on social-evaluative anxiety.” Journal of clinical psychology 39 no.5 (1983): 658-666.
Sandra Baker Morissette, David A. Spiegel, and David H. Barlow. “Combining Exposure and Pharmacotherapy in the Treatment of Social Anxiety Disorder: A Preliminary Study of State Dependent Learning.” Journal of Psychopathology & Behavioral Assessment 30(2009): 211-219.
Kristy L. Dalrymple and James D. Herbert. “Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Generalized Social Anxiety Disorder.” Dissertation Abstracts International 31 no.5 (2007): 543-568.
Angela C. Berry et al.. “Extinction retention predicts improvement in social anxiety symptoms following exposure therapy.” Depression and Anxiety 26(2009): 22-27.
KNT Månsson et al.. “Predicting long-term outcome of Internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy for social anxiety disorder using fMRI and support vector machine learning.” Translational Psychiatry 5(2015): 1-7.
Mark Hoogendoorn et al.. “Predicting social anxiety treatment outcome based on therapeutic email vonersations.” Journal of biomedical and health informatics 21 no.5 (2017): 1449-1459.
Andrea R. Ashbaugh, Keera N. Fishman and Stephanie A. Houle-Johnson. “Intrusive social images in individuals with high and low social anxiety: a multi-method analysis.” Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 47(2019): 594-610.
Emily R. Bemmer. “Modified CBT for social anxiety and social functioning in young adults with autism spectrum disorder.” Molecular Autism 12(2021): 1-15.
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임상심리학 분야의 전통과 현대(2010~) 데이터 분석 방법 비교
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