전자회로2 과제2 동아대학교

전자회로2 과제2
15 페이지
어도비 PDF
최초등록일 2021.12.08 최종저작일 2020.05
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    전자회로2 과제2


    1.Find the difference and similarity of low, medium and high frequency response of BJT amplifer and FET amplifier.
    2. Using an example using mathematical solution and graphical solution to prove each amplifier frequency response (for BJT amplifier and FET amplifier).


    1. Find the difference and similarity of low, medium and high frequency response of BJT amplifer and FET amplifier.


    Input RC Circuit
    Phase shift
    Voltage at base of transistor (Vb) leads the input voltage (Vin) approaches at ceta.

    BJT have value. but, Fet does not have value because of bypass capacitor.

    high-pass circuits
    The 1st high-pass RC circuit : C1, Rin
    The 2nd high-pass RC circuit : C2, Rout

    for Fet, there are only two RC circuits that have no by-pass capacitor and therefore affect low-frequency response. One of the RC circuits consists of an input coupled capacitor and an input resistance. The remainder consists of the output binding capacitor and the output resistance from the drain.

    Frequency response of .BJT amplifier
    The reactance of the coupling capacitor changes the voltage gain and phase shift
    High frequency voltage gain is higher than low frequency voltage gain
    Low frequency XC is greater than high frequency XC
    When C increases, XC decreases to suppress voltage drop of signal voltage

    Frequency response of FET amplifier
    High frequency analysis of FET amplifier is similar to that of BJT
    The difference of BJT is to determine the specification of the internal capacitance of the FET and the input resistance.
    When the frequency increases and reaches the end of the mid-range frequency, it is caused by one of the RC networks.
    The gain of the amplifier begins to decrease
    Internal capacitance acts as a low pass filter with phase delay


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