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주장 에세이 영어 argumentative essay 주제- Kiosk의 그림자

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최종 저작일
3페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


주장하는 영어 에세이(argumentative essay)입니다
공미포 5300자, 1080단어
서론-본론1-본론2-결론의 구조




Have you ever heard about ‘interactive kiosk’? The term might be unfamiliar, but most people know what kiosk is. ‘Interactive kiosk’, which is called ‘kiosk’ in Korea, is an installation type digital device usually used for product payment. The most common place we can see kiosks is in a fast-food restaurant. An article says, Lotteria, one of the fast-food restaurants with 1350 stores in Korea, installed the kiosk in 1012 stores (Korea Jungang Daily). The kiosk is becoming prevalent not only in fast-food restaurants, but many retail distributors, such as café, theater, and restaurant.

참고 자료

Eun-Sook Yoon, Hye-Kyoung Ryu, Ah-Ra Cho, Seung-Wan Hong. “[The older persons day Project] ‘Kiosk-Phobia’ senior citizens are afraid of unmanned machine”. Aju Economy, Sep 30th, 2019. Web. Dec 27th, 2020.
Hye-Young Choi. “The invisible, and untouchable Kiosk…Did you know?”. Ohmy News, Dec 24th, 2020. Web. Dec 27th, 2020.
Ministry of Health and Welfare, The estimated number of people with disabilities in the country is 2.67 million, or 539 per 10,000. Ministry of Health and Welfare, April 4th, 2018. Web. Nov 1st, 2020.
Seo-Young Yoon. “[Social Experiment] ‘Unmanned society’ becomes reality… and becomes ‘fear’ to the disabled”. Seoul Economy, Jan 16th, 2019. Web. Nov 1st, 2020.
< https://www.sedaily.com/NewsVIew/1VE255JB82>
Seung-Hee Lee. “[Keyword Capture] The gains and losses of the Kiosk introduction”. Cookie News, Feb 8th, 2019. Web. Dec 27th, 2020.
Sung-Won Hwang, Hyun-Suk Kim. A Study on the User Experience of Unmanned Order Payment Kiosk in Fast Food Stores. Journal of Digital Contents Society. Aug. 2019: 2, 11.
Yong-Seong Ahn, Ji-Ro Yoon, Min-Young Bae. “Kiosk 'occupy' instead of employees... The service sector jobs are disappearing. [Exploration Project - Labor 4.0 -]”. Segye Ilbo, Jun 1st, 2020. Web. Nov 1st, 2020.
Young-Sun Jeon, Jae-Min Kwak, Hee-Cheol Moon. “[The Great Transitional Era of Job①] Even the convenience store is in ‘Kiosk Shock’; My part-time job is threatened”. Korea Jungang Daily, Jan 21st, 2020. Web. Nov 1st, 2020.
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주장 에세이 영어 argumentative essay 주제- Kiosk의 그림자
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