1. Title1:Critique of Humanistic Psychology
2. Title : The critique of Carl Jung’s theory.
Even though Humanistic Psychology influence many area , it is like benign drugs as Kilpatrick says(Kilpatrick , 1985) So , its dangerous effects don’t be revealed until later. That’s why Humanistic psychology may be much more perilous than any other Psychological perspectives as psychodynamic perspectives , behavioral perspectives and so on. Humanistic Psychology has many problem as we see it using Christian perspectives.
First ,Humanistic psychology is involved in Humanism. So , its worldview must include behaviorism.(Noebel , 2006). It’s the natural process. Because they generally deny supernatural concept , they have no choice but to embrace only naturalism and materialism. But , interestingly , few Humanistic psychologist agree behaviorism. Because In behavioral perspectives , human-being is merely helpless physical mass ,we are processed by our external environment.(Noebel,2006). It is not charming theory ,nor does it seem to explain our daily experience exactly.
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