The aim of this experiment is to observe the increase in conductance of aspirin from agar gel in the water by given time. Aspirin was released by diffusion mechanism which agarose gel could release aspirin slowly in the water because of its specific chemical structure for swelling. The conductance of hydrogel sample was measured using conductivity probe with a gentle handling in a beaker to avoid incorrect measurement. A value for rate constant K and exponential factor n was calculated by using EXCEL with drawing a graph. There were some limitation factors to support for drug delivery in our experiment in terms of pharmaceutical applications. Finally, our results would give how new drugs can be designed and optimised the release kinetics from such a system.
Polymers are important to be used in pharmaceutical area for releasing of drugs. In the experiment, agarose and aspirin powder were selected as a polymer and a drug sample respectively, in order to observe conductivity of the sample by given time.
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