[영어에세이,영작문,논설문] 공정무역 커피의 허점 (Is Fair Trade Coffee Truly "Fair"?)
공정무역 커피는 개발도상국 노동자에게 최저 임금과 최소한의 인권을 보장하며 생산된다는 전제로 높은 가격에 거래되며 신뢰받고 있지만, 무조건적인 의존보다는 다양한 허점에 대한 신중한 점검이 필요하다는 문제의식을 제기하는 글입니다.서론, 본론, 결론으로 이루어져 있으며, 문제 제기 - 통상적인 의견- 글쓴이의 반박과 근거 - 결론으로 구성하였습니다.
1. Introduction2. Common view
3. Uncommon view
4. Conclusion
To deal with the matter that 90% of coffee is produced in developing or poor countries and a majority of workers exploited are children in poverty or low-wage workers in the Third world, the fair trade mark is carried on the product which satisfies certain standards. Those standards involve ensuring minimum wages for workers, guaranteeing the health and safety standards, excluding child labor, restricted use of agrochemicals and so on. The resulting fair trade price is higher than the normal market prices, including the minimum price to pay producers and the fair trade premium used for their communities. With this kind of background, people just do not doubt the transparency and effects of fair trade coffee but easily think they are contributing to relieving poverty in their daily lives when they consume it. The truth is, however, that the fair trade system cannot actually ensure helping the poor due to many loop holes caused along the process.참고 자료
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