1. Introduction
2. Why people do abortion?
3. What is abortion?
4. What is life?
5. Why abortion should be illegal?
6. Korean view of Abortion
7. Conclusion
Have you ever heard about induced abortion? I guess many of you guys have heard what it is. Before I explain about the abortion, I want to ask few questions. What do you think about murder? Do you think killing the people should be legal? Of course, numerous people say “No”. Then, what about the abortion? Should it be legal? For this question, some people will say “Yes”. Why should abortion be legal? Abortion means to end the pregnancy artificially. It means murdering the baby.
Nowadays, a lot of people demand to their government that abortion be legal. Having right to life and human right are very important but abortion is opposite of this. For example, the Korean government said that abortion is illegal because the period of pregnancy is also life. Some people think abortion is not murder. However, in my opinion, abortion is murder. Therefore, I will discuss why abortion is murder and why abortion should be illegal.
· Abortionfacts.com “Quick Facts” AbortionFacts.com (May 1, 2007) http://www.abortionfacts.com/abortion/q_facts.asp
· B.A. Robinson ‘Why do women seek abortions?” religiousolerance.org (April 23, 2007) http://www.religioustolerance.org/abo_why.htm
· “Should Abortion Be Legal?” abortion.procon.org (June 30, 2016) http://abortion.procon.org
· Sung, Woong Kyu, “Abortion in South Korea: The Law and the Reality” lawfam.oxfordjournals.org (2012) http://lawfam.oxfordjournals.org/content/26/3/278.short
· Theresa Burke “Abortion and Depression” extn.com (May 30, 2007) http://www.ewtn.com/library/PROLIFE/zabortdepr.HTM
· Wikipedia “Definition of abortion” wikipedia.org (January 8, 2017) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion
· Wikipedia “Definition of life” wikipedia.org (January 18, 2017) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life
· Willke, J “Why We Can't Love Them Both” abortionfacts.com (May 1, 2007) http://www.abortionfacts.com/online_books/love_them_both/why_cant_we_love_them_both_2.asp#NOW%20THE%20THREE%20QUESTIONS
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