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코로나-19 감염 예방을위한 개방형 흡연 부스 열유동해석 (영어ppt 및 영어 레포트)

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"코로나-19 감염 예방을위한 개방형 흡연 부스 열유동해석 (영어ppt 및 영어 레포트)"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Abstract

2. Table of Contents

3. Introduction
1) The reason why smoking booths were built
2) Types of smoking booths
3) Severity of Smoking Booth due to Covid-19
4) Survey
5) Goal
6) Theory
7) Methods
8) Mesh

4. Result
1) Air curtain
2) Downfall Jet
3) Pressure outlet

5. Discussion
1) Decision of final model
2) Power Consumption
3) Expectation

6. Conclusion


1. Abstract
Recently, with the epidemic of COVID-19 virus, people are avoiding public facilities. There
is a place that many people overlook. It is a ‘smoking booth’. In the smoking booth, people
take off their masks, smoke, spit or talk with the person next to them. These actions increase
the likelihood that smokers will become infected with COVID-19. In addition, existing
smoking booths are also damaging non-smokers like cigarette smell or smoke. The smoking
booth was created for both smokers and non-smokers, but paradoxically both smokers and non￾smokers have become uncomfortable. For this reason, we designed a new smoking booth model
and analyzed the flow of droplets using ANSYS Fluent. By manipulating various variables, we
have found an optimal model that best discharges droplets and blocks air from the outside. Also,
we expected the various effects that could be achieved with the optimal model.
Keyword: Smoking booth, COVID-19, Droplet, ANSYS

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코로나-19 감염 예방을위한 개방형 흡연 부스 열유동해석 (영어ppt 및 영어 레포트)
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