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Christianity as an official religion

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"Describe the political and religious changes that occurred in Christianity since Christianity became the official religion. Discuss the religious significance of the film."에 대한 내용입니다.




In February 313 CE, the first Christian emperor of Rome, Constantine the Great,
established religious toleration of Christianity within the Roman Empire through the Edict of
Milan. As a result...<중 략>

참고 자료

Bingham, Nathan W. “The Church and the State After Constantine.” Ligonier Ministries,
“Christianity in the Roman Empire (Video).” Khan Academy, Khan Academy,
“Constantine to the Reformation.” EVERYBODY'S CHURCH WEBSITE,
Joffé , Roland, director. The Mission, www.imdb.com/title/tt0091530/.
McLean, Assistant Professor John. “Western Civilization.” Lumen,
News, Good. “Constantine's Impact on Christianity.” United Church of God, 5 June 2006,
“Nicene Creed.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.,
Rattini, Kristin Baird. “Constantine-Facts and Information.” Culture, National Geographic,
10 Feb. 2021, www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/constantine.
“UW Religion Today: How Constantine Created the Christian Church.” UW Religion Today:
How Constantine Created the Christian Church | News | University of Wyoming,
Wright, David F. “313 The Edict of Milan.” Christian History | Learn the History of
Christianity & the Church, Christian History, 1 Oct. 1990,
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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