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파키스탄 에너지 정책 (A+ 받았던 자료)

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"파키스탄 에너지 정책 (A+ 받았던 자료)"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Oil and Gas Production in Pakistan

2. Iran-Pakistan Gas pipeline

3. Pakistan-Russia gas pipeline (Gazprom Gas Company) 6 Feb 2019

4. Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) Gas Pipeline Project

5. Saudi Arabia invest $10 billion in oil refinery

6. Discovery of Gas condensate Mangrio #01

7. Mari Petroleum Company Limited 374 barrels per days [12] (19 April 2019)

8. Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Agreement (22 May 2019)

9. Oil Exploration attempts (2019)

10. Recommendation and Suggestions
1) Gas- Sector development
2) Oil-Sector development

11. Additional Information


According to the world data of Energy consumption in Pakistan, Pakistan has a production of natural gas 39.05-bn m3 but their own consumption is 45.05-bn m3 that deficiency cover by import of gas by 6.00-bn m3. On the other hand, Pakistan is producing 89,720 bbl (ranked as a 44th oil producing country) and much dependent on import of oil 168,200 bbl [1]. While in 2010, average Pakistan daily production of gas and oil is 4063 million cubic feet and 65000 barrels. That production meet the 53% of its total energy requirements while 19% from other resources remaining 27% met through imports [2]. Pakistan producing his country 64.1 % electricity by oil and gas in order to fulfill the demand of his household and industries sector [3]. According to a report, the existing deposits in Pakistan will further deplete more than 60% at the end of 2027. Now a days Pakistan oil and gas policy objective is to accelerate E&P in Pakistan by increasing the oil and gas production.

참고 자료

"https://www.worlddata.info/asia/pakistan/energy-consumption.php," [Online].
"Petroleum exploration & production policy 2010, Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources," August 2012.
Shakeel Khan, Hafiz Farhan Ashraf, "Analysis of Pakistan ; Electric power sector," Blekinge Institute of Technology, Departmnet of Electrical Engineering, March 2015.
Muhammad Munir, Muhammad Ahsan, Saman Zulfqar, "Iran-Pakistan Gas Pipeline Cost Benefit Analysis," Journal of Political Studies, vol. 20, 2 2013.
"https://en.radiofarda.com/a/islamabad-may-halt-iran-pakistan-gas-pipeline-project-due-to-u-s-sanctions/29936275.html," Radio Farada, 12 May 2019. [Online].
Dr.Muhammad Saleem Mazhar & Dr.Naheed S.Goraya, "Challenges in Iran -Pakistan gas pipeline," NDU Journal, 2013.
"https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/428722-pakistan-signs-10-bn-gas-pipeline-agreement-with-russia," International The News, 23 May 2019. [Online].
"https://www.hydrocarbons-technology.com/projects/turkmenistan-afghanistan-pakistan-india-tapi-gas-pipeline-project/," [Online].
"http://issi.org.pk/chinese-company-to-build-lng-gas-pipeline-projects-in-pakistan/," [Online].
"https://gulfnews.com/business/saudi-arabia-plans-to-build-10-billion-oil-refinery-in-pakistan-1.1547377587828," 13 January 2019. [Online].
"https://ogdcl.com/news/discovery-gas-condensate-mangrio-well-01," OGDCL, 13 May 2019. [Online].
"https://www.samaa.tv/news/2019/04/mari-petroleum-discovers-oil-in-punjab/," [Online].
"https://www.khaleejtimes.com/business/energy/pakistan-signs-oil-exploration-agreement-with-gulf-country," Khaleeg Times, 22 05 2019. [Online].
"https://www.khaleejtimes.com/international/pakistan/pakistan-reveals-result-of-oil-gas-drilling-project," 19 May 2019. [Online].
"http://cpec.gov.pk/project-details/27," [Online].
"http://www.pakistaneconomist.com/2018/01/22/oil-gas-future-balochistan-exploration-activities-required/," [Online].
"https://www.reuters.com/article/us-pakistan-energy-gas/pakistan-to-offer-gas-fields-to-foreign-explorers-investors-official-idUSKBN1QT0D0," [Online].
Gilles Remy,President of Cifal Group, "TAPI-Gas Pipeline: A strategic project contributing to peace and stability in central and south asia.".
"http://cpec.gov.pk/project-details/27," [Online].
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