• 통큰쿠폰이벤트-통합

Fear of the MonsterIs Really a Kind of Desire, Answers for the MONSTERS

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최종 저작일
12페이지/ MS 파워포인트
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"Fear of the MonsterIs Really a Kind of Desire, Answers for the MONSTERS"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. According to Cohen, why is it important that our exposure to monsters, whether in books or movies or on television, be temporary?
2. How do monsters represent the “margins”(par.3)? Explain at least one of the specific examples Cohen uses in his essay.
3. What does Cohen mean by the phrase “beyond the limits of the Thinkable”(par.9)?
4. After Running Through a description of a typical horror narrative, Cohen states, “The audience knows how the genre works”(par.2). How much does genre affect the expectations of the audience? In particular regarding monsters, what are those expectations? To what extent does genre limit monsters, and why might this be a good thing?
5. According to Cohen, the monster in some ways represents the expression Of the repressed. In other words, it does what we cannot. In your opinion, to what extent do monsters incorporate the forbidden? Cite specific examples.
6. Cohen says that the “simultaneity of anxiety and desire. . .ensure that the monster will always dangerously entice”(par.7). To what extent are desire and anxiety intertwined in monsters? Aside from monsters, are there other beings or phenomena that make people both desirous and fearful?
7. Cohen states, The co-optation of monster into a symbol of the desirable is often accomplished through The neutralization of potentially threatening aspects with a liberal dose of comedy”(par.5). How do movies in popular culture reflect this tendency? Think, for example, Shrek movies(2001,2004,2007,2010), the Teen Wolf movies(1885,1887), And Young Frankenstein(1974), among others, that use humor to deflect the power of the monster.
8. Cohen cites an example from Queste del Saint Graal (The Quest for the Holy Grail), In which Sir Bors resists sexual temptation by “demons in lascivious disguise”(par.5) To what extent is sexual desire a part of the allure of monsters? Refer to other monster stories either in this book or from outside research to include specific details in your answer.


Fear of the Monster Is Really a Kind of Desire
“We distrust and lathe the monster at the same time we envy its freedom, and perhaps its sublime despair”.
Monsters are the result of our desire.
They freely express taboo behaviors and feelings that we cannot do.
Humans are scared of monsters but also attracted to them.
Monsters ignore everything that culture, society, and religion suppress, and everything that is taboo. In this essay,
a human being who is interested in their freedom but at the same time scared is depicted.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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Fear of the MonsterIs Really a Kind of Desire, Answers for the MONSTERS
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2025년 01월 07일 화요일
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