정신간호학 Vsim li Na Chen Part2 DA, GRQ
브이심 리나첸 파트2의 단계 5,6에 해당하는 Documentation Assignments와 Guided Reflection Questions(DA,GRQ)에 대한 내용입니다.목차
Ⅰ. Documentation Assignments1. Document findings related to the screening of Mrs. Chen with the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression.
2. Document the assessment finding related to Mrs. Chen’s suicidality at discharge.
3. Document the results of Mrs. Chen’s mental status examination at discharge.
4. Identify and document key educational needs for Mrs. Chen and the family. 5. Document medication reconciliation.
6. Document patient education regarding medications and follow-up appointments.
7. Document the aftercare plan and the emergency plan for Mrs. Chen when at home
8. Document and identify positive coping skills taught to Mrs. Chen.
9. Identify strengths of Mrs. Chen and the family.
Ⅱ. Guided Reflection Questions
1. How did the simulated experience of Li Na Chen’s case make you feel?Talk about what went well in the scenario.
2. Reflecting on Li Na Chen’s case, were there any actions you would do differently? If so, what were these actions and why?
3. What issues have you identified that could be barriers to a successful discharge plan for Li Na Chen?
4. How would you address the above barriers?
5. As you prepare to contact the primary provider related to Li Na Chen’s husband’s concerns, list two concerns that you have that need to be discussed with the provider.
6. What would be possible early indicators of relapse?
7. Describe how you would advocate for a patient in Li Na Chen’s situation.
8. Identify gaps in mental health care in your community. What changes would you implement to address these gaps?
Mental Health Case: Li Na Chen, Part 2Documentation Assignments
1. Document findings related to the screening of Mrs. Chen with the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression.
우울한 기분: 2
죄책감: 1
자살사고: 1
조기불면증: 1.
중기불면증: 1
말기불면증: 0
일,활동: 4
정신운동 지체: 2
운동성 초조증: 1
정신적 불안: 2
<중 략>
2. Document the assessment finding related to Mrs. Chen’s suicidality at discharge.
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