영어 에세이 쓰기 예시
- 최초 등록일
- 2021.02.15
- 최종 저작일
- 2010.05
- 5페이지/ 어도비 PDF
- 가격 2,500원
"영어 에세이 쓰기 예시"에 대한 내용입니다.
The crisis of nuclear weapon from North Korea has been growing in these days.
Despite of isolation by ‘US alliance’, North Korea still threats its neighborhoods by nuclear weapons for a decade. Some politicians just say that this act of threaten is same to naughty kids. But they overlook in narrowed view; the cause is eternal economic deflation, which can lead such nuclear crisis. Furthermore, eternal economic deflation is brought from lack of energy.
In this view, it is reasonable that lack of energy lead North Korea to be aggressive armed.
The most essential fact related to nuclear crisis is being absent any valid electric generating system. In fact, North Korea is serious today in the poverty and hunger and because of disability of making electricity, there are no remedies to cure them. Most of North Koreans die because they cannot get appropriate warming in winter season or even spring.
참고 자료
Baek, Won-gwang. “National Security of Nuclear Energy; A Peaceful Use in the Korean Penisula”. NuriMedia Co., Ltd. 2003
various editors. “Social change and human rights report on North Korea”. North Korea Laboratory. 4 vols. 2008
Yoo, Seok-ryul. “The Food Shortages of North Korea and External Supportings”. The North Korea(北韓). 4 vols. 1996
Hong, Seung-won. “The Report of Electricity and Generating of North Korea”. Korea(北韓). 6 vols. 1990
Kwon, Oe-guk. “Necessary of Utilitarianism in North Korea and Materialism in South Korea”. Unity of Korea. 8vols. 2008