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Sexuality, Life Passages and Generativity My Experiences and Views

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Sexuality, Life Passages and Generativity
My Experiences and Views


1. Human Sexuality
2. Paschal Mystery and Life Passages
3. Generativity
4. Works Cited


Human sexuality is the way people experience and express themselves as sexual beings. Several factors help develop human sexuality, with one of the most important one being gender. The development of an individual’s sexuality will be mainly influenced by whether one is biologically a female or a male. Always driven by the desire to have sexual pleasure, human sexuality has physical, biological and emotional aspects. Sexuality also, covers cultural, legal, philosophical and political aspects. It may also refer to issues of ethics, spirituality, morality, religion and theology and how they relate to anything sexual.
Whereas, in animals, sexuality is simply imposed by stereotypical conduct and instincts, in humans, sexuality is influenced by superior mental activity and cultural, social, normative and educational characteristics of those places where they grows up and their personality develops. This article discusses sexuality as noted from various sources and how I personally view it.

참고 자료

Johansson, Warren. "Sex Negative, Sex Positive" In: Dynes WR (ed) Encyclopedia of Homosexuality (1182–1183). New York: Garland. 1990
Walen, S. R., & Roth, D. “A cognitive approach” in J. H. Geer & W. T. O'Donohue (Eds.), Theories of Human Sexuality (pp.335-362). New York: Plenum Press. (1987)
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Sexuality, Life Passages and Generativity My Experiences and Views
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