목재 균열 현상에 대해 균열 원인과 자연스러운 현상인 것을 입증하는 근거, 해외 사례와 그 기준에 대해 한글과 영어로 함께 작성한 자료입니다.
1. 목재 균열의 원인
2. 목재 균열 현상의 자연스러움
3. 목재 균열 사례와 기준
The timber of living trees and fresh logs contains a large amount of water which often constitutes over 50% of the wood's weight.
Shrinkage and swelling may occur in wood when the moisture content is changed (Stamm, 1964). Shrinkage occurs as moisture content decreases, while swelling takes place when it increases. Volume change is not equal in all directions.
Consequently, the chief difficulty experienced in the drying of timber is the tendency of its outer layers to dry out more rapidly than the interior ones. If these layers are allowed to dry much below the fibre saturation point while the interior is still saturated, stresses (called drying stresses) are set up because the shrinkage of the outer layers is restricted by the wet interior (Keey et al., 2000).
Rupture in the wood tissues occurs, and consequently splits and cracks occur if these stresses across the grain exceed the strength across the grain (fibre to fibre bonding).
· https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wood_drying 위키피디아 Wood drying
· Holzindustrie Nahmitz사
· Tony Ward사
· J. Gibson McIlvain Company
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