"미국대학 사회학_전체제도_Sociology_Total Institution"에 대한 내용입니다.
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Source 1:
Jana Mali, Comparison of the characteristics of homes for older people in Slovenia with Goffman’s concept of the total institution. European Journal of Social Work, Vol. 11, 431-443.
The author tells that older people were usually home-cared, and that should be changed. She supports the need for an institutional care for older people as their population is increasing and home care does not fully satisfy the needs for older people in Slovenia. People working in an institution have related professions and knowledge for taking care of older people. Thus, an institutional care is better for older people. The author uses Goffman's concept of total institution to support her opinion. In her article, Goffman's total institution concept is defined as "a place for work and life where a large number of individuals with a similar status live together for an extended period of time, isolated from wider society and forced to live a common, formal and guided life."
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